Eugene Delgaudio - Sterling District
Latest News


September 3, 2010


Good to see some of you young parents at the back to school nights last night. I will be at the others later.


Most people do not put a nativity on their lawn. Its under the tree in their house. Seasons' Greetings from every faith or religious belief is for most of us always in every heart. Year-round in Sterling!

Most of us do treasure the right of the few who want to go to the trouble of putting one up at their house or their church.

The board of supervisors may outlaw most nativities on lawns in Loudoun, not just the one in front of the courthouse as part of the Ches. Bay Act. The staff and board deny it.

Last November, after an obscure Loudoun County advisory committee recommended banning the creche and other religious symbols from the Courthouse lawn, residents asked me to help ensure there would be a Christmas/Chanukah holiday season in Leesburg!

Within 72 hours, 100 residents flooded into the Board room and the board reversed the decision 2 weeks later.

As a result, the creche and a Christmas tree graced the beautiful Courthouse lawn for the holiday season. Even a menorah and Muslim crescent!

But now, the same unelected advisory committee wants to ban the creche and other religious displays during Christmas and they now have the blunt backing of ALL the liberal judges at the Courthouse, too!

But the Attorney General and A C L U of Virginia say the Loudoun policy is legal and should be maintained intact.

Today, September 3, the board has recieved a letter signed by the eight judges in the Courthouse requesting that the first amendment practices be moved from their courthouse (this is an outrage).

So, I urge you to you to sign conservative leader Barbara Curtis' new petition (LINK)

And speak out Tues. Sept. 7 6:30 pm. at the County Building on 1 Harrison St. SE, to ensure the Supervisors keep the policy of fr they enacted .

The Supervisors will vote Sept. 8 at their regular meeting, which starts around 9:30 a.m. Please be on hand for that, too.

You can email the entire 9 member Board of supervisors (Chairman York, Supervisors Delgaudio, McGimsey, Buckley, Burton, Kurtz, Miller, Burke and Waters) using [email protected]

Thank you so much and God bless!

LONG VERSION WITH COMMENTARY and some rightful condemnations!

The letter from the Judges is an attack on traditional values as well as an assault on religious freedom in America.

This is bad for Sterling, bad for Loudoun and bad for the United States of America.

Since 2007, for years, we have suffered under liberal rule from a liberal majority on the Board of Supervisors.

The bad policies and crazy spending seem endless. But they have not taken away all of our freedoms and they have not taken away all of our money. Yet.

In 2008, the Obama Administration tool power and immediately put Loudoun County and the entire country into debt, imposed overpowering tax increases and wrecked the economy. But he has not taken away all of our freedoms yet.

Now, today, the entire 8 members of the district court in Leesburg have sided with the obvious anti-relgious fever running loose in Loudoun and the rest of the country and recommended that the Board of Supervisors take the first amendment of the U.S.Constitution and put it somewhere else, not at the Courthouse.

The words they write and all sign. (see copy at this LINK here).

Today -- now -- the judges have expressed their opinion as 8 employees who work in the court house.

Some say the board of supervisors plans on outlawing all nativities in Loudoun with the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act later this same month. It would impact the bay for any "outside structure" on any plot of land they say.

For various reasons that are fabrications, misrepresentations, exaggerations or purely irrelevant, the Leesburg judges and their liberal allies say "put the display issues somewhere else" as if free expression practiced for 50 years at the same location is a chore.

You the taxpayer paid for the building with county taxes.

The county taxpayers directly paid for the new building and the land they work on. But supervisors have not taken away all your freedoms yet.


They have begun to take away your first amendement freedom to freely practice religion in a public forum, the court house.

I believe you agree with me that it will only get worse. And that you want the pain, the loss of our freedoms, to stop.

Once a year a small ten foot by five foot wooden structure with plastic figures is assembled at the Leesburg courthouse, the seat for the county by the Welsh family and members of their church. A symbol of Christian relgious beliefs is placed during the Christmas season but it warms the community with the symbol of our commonly held belief in freely expressing our values.

Liberals in control can not have that. So they will abolish it.

Only one thing stands in their way. You. And others who like you have worked hard for your beliefs and don't like it when liberals make decisions "in your best interest".

Will you allow them to do this unchallenged. Will you stand by and be silent.

The Board has it within its power to do the right thing. Around the country, when citizens turn out and ask for their rights to be maintained, by election or referendum, we win 100 per cent of those challenges.

The AG, Ken Cuccinelli wrote a five page opinion in response to an inquiry from PW-Loudoun Delegate Bob Marshall, a past candidate for U.S. Senator in Virginia. (LINK)

A complete copy of the opinion is posted here.

The board of supervisors can easily take into account your voice. Or allow the hidden forces that spread lies about religious liberty, state on the record obvious falsehoods about this not being a religious issue, claim its just a preference to overrule the citizens who believe in allowing diverse views to actually be heard.

What to do now?
Mail your Christmas list about this.

So, I urge you to you to sign the new petition to save Religious Freedom (LINK)

Write the board at [email protected]

Go to the public input meeting Tuesday September 7 at 7 p.m.

And pray. Yes, pray. The board has not made that forbidden in public spaces yet.

What to do if we lose?

THAT is an issue for later. Certainly not now.

Elections are next year for Supervisor. That's 12 months from now. Rest assured this issue goes beyond this coming Wednesday's vote by the Board. It effects every race in Loudoun County. If officials are silent or voting to limit religious freedom let it not be because of your lack of effort to inform others to ask the board not to do this.

Next year, liberals will want to get rid of anybody who opposed their decision to abolish the first amendement on the court house grounds and then proceed to further limit your right to speech.

Liberals will resist any effort to claim you have any right to free speech and attempt to convince others -- whoever who will listen to their amplified voices in unison --- that your religious liberties are not impacted at all by their voting to shut you down! Surprisingly there are people who are fooled by these obvious lies. And of course there are those who do actually work at limiting relgious expression as a matter of public policy.

Here's the 2010 Citizens of the Year honor roll on fighting for religous freedom:

2000 citzens who signed the 2009 petition to save Christmas

866 current 2010 signers of the Petition to save Christmas And other Displays

200 citizens who came to the December 2009 meeting and 2010 July meeting

Estimated 200 citizens who will come to Tuesday September 7 public input.

Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli who issued a five page opinion to keep our freedoms.

Delegate Bob Marshal, former U.S. Senate candidate who asked for the AG opinion.

Former Delegate Dick Black for speaking out.
Councilman Ken Reid for holding the Jewish Menorah up, proudly, in solidarity.
The Welsh family for erecting the nativity.
Barbara Curtis for alerting the entire nation on her blog

Will you join the Honor Roll?

Will the refrain be "Remember the Bulldozing of the Nativty" or will it be

"The Nativity and Our Freedom Still Stand"

The board is routinely filled with people effected by the wrongful policies of this current board. Just on September 1 the board had to cut off opposition speakers to a proposed Ches. Bay ordinance.

Join the Honor Roll. You are not alone.


Permission granted to send this to your Christmas List online now.

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