Keep Loudoun Free To Worship
Dear Sterling American,
Silence is not golden when bad things are being done in public places.
Where is the outcry from elected officials or candidates or party committees?
Senators, Delegates, Sheriffs, Clerks of the Court Gary Clemens, Hon. Thomas D. Horne, Presiding Judge of the Loudoun Circuit Court, Supervisors, School Board members. There are 55 elected officials of all kinds in Loudoun that ask for your vote including federal and state and local officers.
Where is the outrage?
Part of the answer is that some of them are determined to push this strategy of a very long list of liberal agenda items.
The Loudoun Board wants to restrict your roads by abolishing roads and reducing lanes on major roads.
The Loudoun Board is moving to take away the right to plant flowers, build playsets, swings, little sandboxes, pools, dog houses, decks and patios by passing a countywide Chesapeak "Pay" Act (read Bay).
(Facts You need to know about the Ches. Bay Act)
Ironically the board spends $400,000 to fund an adult gardener program!
Now they plan to destroy Christmas in July to block a small nativity scene and other religious displays.
This effort to destroy religious freedom smells of betrayal. The silence by officials seems to speak volumes.
I am just one vote on a nine member board. I have said on the record "No to the proposal to eliminate religious displays".
Most of the board members are either silent or will consider the proposal.
It does not look good for the nativity and other religious displays.
A tradition of 50 years will be killed on July 20, the day the board meets. "Public Input" is Monday July 19 at 7 p.m.
More details here about the Kill Christmas in Leesburg Policy
David and Lynn L. wrote the Board a personal note:
I'm sure many of you have children. What message are you, as fathers and mothers, sending to your own children? Tradition is out and progression is in? What will they tell their children? Grandpa and Grandma voted to ban Christmas and all other religious displays at the Courthouse because it wasn't popular and their was a small group of people that made a lot of noise to get their way, even though the majority of the people wanted the displays. That's something to be proud of to pass along to your children.
Shame on you! I believe it is time for Loudoun voters to remind you that you all can be voted out of office just
as you were voted in.
Keep the Christmas displays and other religious displays at the Courthouse in Leesburg and enjoy the holy season of Peace with your families and your fellow citizens of Loudoun County.
Gwen C exclaims
Forrest S. remarks
Oh for Pete's sake. Not again.
Ralph D. tells the Board his thoughts
You people are unbelievable!!! Can you or do you not understand that the MAJORITY of American citizens, this includes the citizens of Loudoun County are NOT atheists and have a belief in religion, be it Christian or others??? We have a belief in God and enjoy the freedom of religion in our country during specific religious seasons, especially during the Christmas season!!!
Your silence on this issue is totally disgusting and totally inexcusable.
Cora Says
This is a democracy - vote for what most want.
Kathyrn C exclaims
You'd think they've have learned something last year after all the outcry
Robin K. reports
Just another crazy decision by the people who must not be proud to be free. I can't believe these people run our County.
Full Statement on "Loudoun Board To Abolish Christmas Again"