1. The CBPO requires 100 foot NO DISTURB buffers on each
side of most anything that resembles a drainage ditch. Thousands of
unsuspecting suburban homeowners' back yards will now be "*NO
2. Loudoun County Staff estimates the Possible Resource Protection
Area (RPA) --which means* NO DISTURB BUFFER AREAS*--to be half the
County. County staff does not want to release the online map
showing the extent of the Possible RPA and *has released an inaccurate map* that is
"*subject to change*". See
Ordinance section 1222.08.
3. County staff estimates *it may cost $6700 *for an owner
of a one-quarter acre lot with an existing home, to map the extent
of the RPA on his lot before installing a patio or other minor
improvement. See staff report. *That's $6700 to ask for
4. Staff claims the Ordinance will only apply to a few.
That is simply not true. If the Ordinance is passed
Loudoun County will be allowed to "manage" every minor homeowner
use such as planting and small buildings in all yards. . Some areas
will allow nothing to be done. Others "might" if they feel like
giving permission. See sections 1222.11 (b) and 1222.09 (b) of the
5. *Scientists have studied Loudoun's streams and reported to us
that they are in great condition*. The County's own stream
assessment says 94% of our streams are in the top two (of 4)
categories for health, and none of our streams are "poor," the
bottom category. See county stream assessment, http://www.loudoun.gov/Default.aspx?tabid=2548.
6. The State of Virginia studied whether Loudoun County
needed to be part of measures to protect the Bay and concluded
*there is no science to justify the heavy administrative burden,
cost and taking of private property* for no disturb
buffers. See state study, Report of the Joint Legislative
Audit and Review Commission, Implementation of the CBPA, House
Document No. 23, http://jlarc.state.va.us/Reports/rpt281.pdf
See also, Vermont Journal of Environmental Law, http://www.vjel.org/editorials/ED10053.html
7. The CBPO discourages all land disturbing activity, believe it or
not that includes agriculture. Under the proposed ordinance
agricultural and farm animal uses would be subject to expensive
overly restrictive standards and "mitigation." *This will destroy
agriculture and livestock businesses in our County*. We already
have strict limits on development and use of land. It simply is not
necessary to impose hardships on farming. If land has become so
sacred that it cannot be used for food production then we are in
bigger trouble than we know.
8. The CBPO defines "development" as any land disturbance greater
than 2500 square feet, and demands that if anyone "develops" their
property, they must plant and preserve the mandated 100 foot
buffers and do expensive water quality studies.
9. The CBPO deems all uses in land that has RPA "non-conforming"
this will have a detrimental affect on the value of many
10. The Dillon Rule is a law that requires studies to justify the
need for tidal buffers on non tidal land. The County has not yet
done such a study, NONE. This means that if the Board of
Supervisors ignores the simple facts that make this unnecessary,
and pass it, it will be challenged and tossed out. But only after
taxpayers pay for all this nonsense. Wasted time, wasted money, no
We all value good water quality. The good news is that streams are
in great condition right now. This means this proposed ordinance,
the *Chesapeake Bay Proposed Ordinance
A. Map your property to see where the RPA and Possible RPA are
shown, and then zoom out to see your neighbors: Go to www.loudoun.gov ? Click
on "Assessments/Parcels" under e-Services Click on box "Yes" at
bottom. ?Click on circle "Property Address." ?Put your address in
empty box (do not use "Road.")?Click box "Submit."?Click on "Map
It."?Click "Yes" box?. Click on "Map Layers" on top left tab?.
Click on "Land Records" box. ?Click on "Environmental."?Click box
for "Buildings" and for "Draft RPA Screening Tool." ?Click on
"Apply" oval at bottom left. ?Resource protection and Possible
Resource protection areas that require preservation are shown. ?
Dots are buildings.
That was easy.
B. Here are two Facebook pages set up by concerned citizens, with a
lot of information:
C. Call, write or email your Supervisor. Attend public input
or send a letter to all 9 supervisors
[email protected]
D. Talk to your neighbors, HOA's, community groups and business
associations about this proposal
E. The Board of Supervisors will take this up in September
and it is on a fast track. Get active now and make your voice heard
to stop this ordinance from being passed
F. Citizens opposed to this ordinance are FOR clean water. This
ordinance will not adequately address water quality but will
adversely affect what Loudoun citizens can do with and on their
privately owned property.