DAVID LAROCK VS. GOLIATH EPA GIANT, how one conservative speaks against injustice
Arbitrary, capricious and unlawful.
Friend of Sterling and frequent defender of Sterling American values, Virginia State Delegate David LaRock calls the EPA Arbitrary, capricious and unlawful.
LaRock told me today:
"First, that sums up the attempts by the Environmental Protection Agency - an unelected federal bureaucracy - to clamp down on energy production here in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
As I've noted before, the EPA recently released a set of rules that, if allowed to go into effect, will take a staggering toll on Virginians in the form of higher energy costs, lost jobs, and squelched economic growth.
The emissions limits assigned by the EPA's rules aren't uniform state by state. Instead, the limits assigned to Virginia are almost twice as tough as those of West Virginia and 50 percent more than those of Maryland.
The EPA's limits aren't free of an agenda and are not designed to be satisfied with a uniform reduction of emissions. Their goal is designed to target coal energy production, even though many states who use coal energy have successfully reduced their overall emissions.
The EPA's rules amount to A MASSIVE LEGISLATIVE, REGULATORY AND FINANCIAL BURDEN on our citizens and businesses - all without a vote of the U.S. Congress or our Virginia Legislature to put these rules into effect. These laws have been created by a bureaucracy in clear contradiction to our U.S. Constitution and contrary to the legal rights reserved to the Commonwealth. "
And David LaRock is speaking against President Obama's recent executive orders granting amnesty to 10 million illegal aliens and 50 million Illegal Alien family members in their home countries:
LaRock Says
"That phrase - arbitrary, capricious, and unlawful - also sums up our President's recent decision to use his "pen and phone" to upend the legal process and grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants in the United States currently awaiting deportation.
Before I go further, it's important to state that I believe many immigrants - even illegal immigrants - are here with the best intentions. They want to work - and they do work. They want to provide for their families, and enjoy the freedoms secured by our laws.
But rule of law requires that laws be enforced consistently. By directing law enforcement to refuse to enforce the law in circumstances of his random choice, our President is flouting the law.
The President's action simply doesn't make sense. His decision takes a group of people who are breaking the law and extends effective amnesty to... some of them, depending on metrics assigned by his team of bureaucrats. Instead of our laws deciding who will go or stay, it's up to whichever consultant is currently drafting his executive orders.
The President's actions have been taken with the full knowledge that they're wrong. He acknowledged that his decision came after Congress didn't give him what he wanted - Congress had the right to make that call, because that's how our Constitution works. And instead of making his decision in the open, he waited until after the November elections so his companions seeking election could postpone the outrage of their constituents. " End of LaRock statement to me.
contact Sterling's friend Delegate David LaRock here: