Al Johnson Falls Short, Craft Fair Wins!
Al Johnson ran a great race in one week but did not have enough votes at the close of the 4 hours of balloting today for the nomination for the Republican Party for the 34th House District Seat.
Congrats to Craig Parisot for winning the Republican race to represent part of Sterling and Loudoun.
Republicans in Virginia's House of Delegates 34th District appear to have nominated Craig Parisot of McLean for the Jan. 6 special election to fill the statehouse seat of Congresswoman-elect Barbara Comstock.
Report posted here ten minutes ago.
At the Craft Show: Historic North Vs. South Wood Carvings by papa's carvings ([email protected]). This is being donated to a local public school.
At the Craft Show: Amy and Jim with traditional jewelry for traditional people. (see sample that follows)
More than 600 people attended the Park View High School Craft and Vendor Show and this year most stayed the entire time from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. making the hot dog stand sell every hot dog on hand. Even Joe's Pizza slices got down to the last box of donated pizza.
Congrats to the many vendors and high school clubs and to the organizers who clearly have won the hearts of Sterling and Loudoun and now it is clear this is a premiere event here to stay thanks to their teamwork.