Eugene Delgaudio - Sterling District
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Yom Kippur started at Sundown today. Ends Sundown Saturday

October 3, 2014

Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio's 5th Victory Crusade will be held as scheduled on Saturday Oct. 4 at 12 noon at Joe's Pizza Restaurant in Sterling next to the Safeway Supermarket. Admission is $15 per person, $25 per couple and $35 for a family.

The phone for Joe's Pizza is 703-444-9500 and the address is 22360 S. STERLING BLVD

To view a map, click here

Google Map to Joes,+Sterling,+VA+20164/@38.9965997,-77.4083745,17z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x89b6385e7f7c5a51:0xb92774953c12029?hl=en

Yom Kippur started at Sundown today.

Ten days of reflection and repentance that began with Rosh Hashanah were ending today Friday with the arrival of Yom Kippur at sundown. On the Day of Atonement, observant Jews around the world will fast and attend synagogue to pray and repent for their sins of the past year.

Yom Kippur ends Saturday at sundown.

Supervisor Ken Reid did the prayer this week at the Board of Supervisors and it was a long traditional prayer of forgiveness in the tradition of Yom Kippur.

Tonight Plowman and Ramdadan Meeting

Tonight Delegate Ramadan and Com.Attorney Jim Plowman held an emergency meeting to deal with vandalism and
anti-Hindu messages at an elementary school in the Ashburn area. I hope it was successful and I joined the entire board of supervisors in condemning formally the anti-Hindu attacks.


I wrote you yesterday and told you about the Board's action in supporting a Delgaudio proposal to find out the cost of Loudoun's new unaccompanied alien children. Here's some feedback.

W.L.E. says
"Thank you, it is about time someone represents the tax payers of not only Loudoun County but the entire country."

C, F, says
"Thank you for keeping us informed. This is the first that I knew about this. God love you.."

M.M. says
"I am in total agreement and think you need to have the federal agency responsible for these children.."

M. Mc. says

"Thank you. The Obama administration solely wants to have more undocumented future Democrats regardless of who has to pay the cost."

The Washington Post said in part:

"Loudoun County staff members will gather more information about the potential financial and health effects resulting from the arrival of more than 200 undocumented child immigrants who have been placed in the county in recent weeks.

The Loudoun Board of Supervisors voted Wednesday to direct county staff members to look into the matter at the request of Supervisor Eugene A. Delgaudio (R-Sterling), who said he wanted to better understand the effects of the newly arrived children on the county schools budget and other government services, and to investigate the possibility of recovering those costs from the federal government."

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