THANK YOU for voting. My bride Sheila and I were at the polling place in Ashburn in the afternoon.
I was at a new store opening and a litter pick up earlier.
The results are in for the 10th Congressional slugfest. And soon candidates who had fewer votes than
the winner will endorse the candidate with more votes.
Some local ultra liberal Democratic Party candidates protest getting small numbers of votes for years
and cry out "I LOST THE ELECTION" daily for a decade or more.
Republicans usually get over it one hour up to a week at the most after the polls close.
Is that too partisan? Tell that to former candidates who got fewer votes in
Sterling still protesting the respective majorities voting to grant me four terms since 1999.
A supporter YAWNED at church today when he mentioned the latest protest of my 2011 victory.
Barbara J. Comstock 7337 53.91%
Robert G. "Bob" Marshall 3829 28.14%
Howard R. "Howie" Lind 1108 8.14%
Stephen B. Hollingshead 816 6.00%
Mark S. Savitt 218 1.60%
Rob K. Wasinger 301 2.21%
TOTAL 13609
Comstock said "It is an honor and a privilege to win my party's nomination for Virginia's 10th Congressional District and follow in the footsteps of my mentor, Congressman Frank Wolf."
Criminals Protest Law Enforcement Meetings
I was told in a face to face meeting with a private citizen "We do not need any Sheriff's Station in Sterling" in broad day light.
I know you do not agree with not needing this Sheriff's station in Sterling and that is why I tell you about these meetings.
Sterling Sheriff's Station Crime Briefing
Thursday May 1st 7 P.M.-8:30 P.M.
Sorry for the late notice. You are invited to attend this public briefing at the Sterling Sheriff's Station next to Rolling Ridge Elementary School by Briar Patch Park on East Frederick Road, just one block in from Sterling Boulevard. Thursday, May 1st, at 7 p.m. Thank you.
STERLING Neighborhood Watch-Join Up Thursday May 8
The next meeting for the Sterling Area Neighborhood Watch Group will b held on Thursday May 8th at 7:00PM at the Sterling Sheriff Sub-Station. Deputy Spurlock plans to be there Topics include: recent scams and the process for reporting alleged zoning violations. The volunteers who run this operation set the standard in Loudoun and the region.
Socialists Condemn Free Enterprise and Teen Job Fair.
Getting a 14 year old a job at the yogurt bar is not political.
Nobody normal picks on entry level teens seeking their first job.
6th Annual Sterling Teen Job Fair Set for May 3rd, 2014
A now 23 year old young man said to me: "You got me my first job six years ago and I have been on a roll since with
better and better jobs. Thank you."
The 6th Annual Sterling Teen Job Fair will be held Saturday, May 3rd, 2014, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at the Claude Moore Recreation Center, 46105 Loudoun Park Lane in Sterling.
The Rec Center is located in the park off of Cascades Parkway about a half mile north of Church Road in Sterling.
The fair, sponsored by the Loudoun County Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Services, and Sterling Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio, will feature a variety of employers in the fields of retail, catering, entertainment, technology and more.
I am hosting a volunteer staff meeting for the Teen Job Fair this Wednesday April 30 at 7:30 pm. at
Joe's Pizza. I am buying pizza and you are my invited guest to become a volunteer for Saturday.
Please come if you can volunteer 3 hours Saturday from 12 noon to 3 p.m. Thank you. We are just a few short of 150 workers at this point.
Joe's pizza is located in the Safeway Shopping Center on Sterling Boulevard opposite the Lower Loudoun Football Field and is the scene of many of my fundraising events.
This is so we go over the needs of this year's Teen Job Fair prior to the event.