Reverse 911 For Parts of Sterling.......Budget Hearings......March 8 Boy Scouts and Craftfair
There have been snow flurries like frosting on and off today. It was thick before noon and now its warming.
Tomorrow budget hearings begin 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. It is light 3 to six p.m. And full up six to 9 p.m. Saturday March 1st is open and one supervisor wants "tax cutters" and budget cutters to pour forth their wisdom. On Saturday the board of supervisors will be at the school board administration building in Ashburn. You will have to walk past an swarm of tax increasers and budget busters.
Public Hearings
The Board of Supervisors will hold several public hearings on the proposed FY 15 budget. The first hearings are scheduled Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., at the Loudoun County Government Center, 1 Harrison Street, S.E., in Leesburg. An additional hearing at the Government Center will be advertised for Thursday, February 27, at 6:00 p.m., if needed. A hearing is also scheduled at the Loudoun County Public Schools Administration Building, 21000 Education Court in Ashburn, at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 1, 2014.
Anyone who wishes to speak at the public hearings may sign up in advance for one speaking slot, beginning Thursday, February 6, by calling 703-777-0200. Comments may also be provided to the Board of Supervisors by e-mail at [email protected], by calling the Citizen Comment Line, 703-777-0115; or by writing to the Board of Supervisors, P.O. Box 7000, Leesburg, VA 20177.
Saturday March 8 Craft Fair
There will be a craft fair Saturday March 8 at Park View HS.
Saturday March 8 Boy Scouts Return
The scouts are distributing flyers this Saturday March 1 and again on March 8 in Sterling.
These are different troops so pick your favorite charity and buy mulch.
Greenthorn Avenue Area of Sterling
There is an active law enforcment investigation, using Reverse 911, for a missing 12 year old.
Dial 703-777-0445 which is non-emergency if you know anything about this. The reverse 911 program
is where a limited phone service directly to a neighborhood is instituted.
Sheriff's next quarterly meeting May 1 Thursday 7 p.m. Save the date. More information later.