Eugene Delgaudio Statement:
"Plenty of Work In Sterling"
A former losing liberal candidate is in the media again, today, unhappy with my four times re-election success as Sterling Supervisor. He is joined by several other former candidates for supervisor.
Sterling is getting the best Supervisor possible right now-- and every day.
I am working to support community events and turn out for them this week and
in the future. I hope we all can.
Events or projects all of Sterling and Loudoun can support and are open to all:
Wednesday night is a fundraising event for the Sterling Foundation at
Joe's Pizza Wednesday, Jan. 29, from 5 to 8 p.m. on Sterling Boulevard next to the
Safeway supermarket.
A community briefing on crime Thursday night, Jan. 30, at 7 p.m. at the
Sterling Sheriff's station on East Frederick Road next to the Rolling Ridge
Elementary School.
The Rolling Ridge Elementary School PTA would like to build a special walkway between
the school and the Sheriff's station and they are $40,000 short of their $50,000 cost.
This is a lot of work and will take a lot of community spirit.
My office is conducting a full district audit of potholes and need to know exactly where
all the potholes are in the Sterling district and I need calls to my home phone number to
tell me where the potholes are to be fixed that is 703-421-4599 or the district office
at 703-771-5819 ( frequently announced phone numbers for the public to reach me).
The board of supervisors are seeking input on budgetary plans to replace the old Sterling community center and the fire and rescue station on the ballot this November.
It is estimated to cost $10 million and some additional expense is necessary to move the library to a retail space nearby.
What do citizens think of completely rebuilding the Sterling Safety Center at the intersection of Commerce and Enterprise Streets?
Please encourage the board to budget funds for these worthwhile projects as they are long over due.
This is a partial list.
There is plenty of work for citizens dedicated to Sterling's success and anybody doing less
than this does not have Sterling's interests at heart.