Santa Makes Pre-Christmas Visit To Sterling, Virginia NORAD COMMAND CENTER IN OPERATION
Potholes Filled On Sterling Blvd.
VDOT repair teams fixed a dozen potholes on Sterling Boulevard this past week. Thank you to VDOT. If you have a pothole please tell me the location details by cross street (example: 100 feet north of Gingerbread Lane on the northbound lane of Sterlingfest Road).
Speed Humps Installed in Richland Acres
For the first time in Sterling history, public speed humps were installed after 98 per cent of each resident signed a petition to the county. Crews finished Friday in the Richland acres neighborhood behind Grand Mart in Sterling.
Hail To the Redskins.
Let's beat Dallas Today.

Large Donation of $200,000 "Announced"
To Build Artificial Turf At Park View HS
The previous largest donation to a Sterling youth sports league amount was $35,000 for LLBFL 2 years ago.
An even larger amount has been discussed, $200,000, from a private donor to build an artificial
turf football field at Park View High School along with county taxpayer funds of $800,000.
At present new schools in Loudoun get artificial turf for year round use. This would be the
first artificial turf for youth sports in Eastern Loudoun and three area high school teams
would use the field for practice.
Public discussion of a pledge by the National Football League and the Redskins organization to donate to build an artificial turf at Park View High School was held, for the first time, at the Finance Committee of the Board of Supervisors this past Wednesday, Dec. 18.
Addressing the Finance Committee and the public, Delgaudio said on the record, in part,
"The LLBFL has a thousand boys and their families that use their private field. As many as 2,000 high school students and their families attend the Park View HS football team events and when taking into account the additional students and families from the other Eastern Loudoun high schools that do not have artificial turf we are talking about impacting almost a full third of the high school population with this new facility."
Delgaudio said today: "Previously Park View HS received a one million dollar field house and other outdoor amenities, finished last summer.Like the artificial turf these "add-on"s are routine in the new schools around the county but have been absent from Sterling schools for 35 years. It is really important that Sterling not be ignored by the county as our Sterling taxpayers have paid for these services for 35 years without having them ourselves!" said Delgaudio.
Vote To Keep Taxes down in Leesburg Poll
You can vote to keep taxes low in the Leesburg poll, which is winning choice right now.
Another Poll. Senator Black In Lead, For Now
Conservative Senator Dick Black is ahead of the pack,but needs your "vote" stay number one.
If you voted, thank you.
If not, please vote in a poll to support (draft) Dick Black For Congress ASAP.
POLL: Who would you support for Frank Wolf's congressional seat?
The following portion is stacked with so much that is has to be posted separately. Get Ready.