Delgaudio Addresses Nationwide Audience On Reagan Birthday (2001) And Introduces "Debt Monster Slayer" at another Reagan Birthday Party
The spending that goes on is scandalous and the future of the country is in doubt. The USA may fall over a fiscal cliff at any moment due to bankrupt and corrupt debt, spending and budget irresponsiblity.
Congressman Frank Wolf -- our Congressman--- blames both Democrats and Republicans for this. And so do I.
One of the great budget cutting leaders of our time is the late Ronald Reagan. You can tell how great he is by the number of times liberals attack him for cutting spending.
Last year at the 101st Ronald Reagan salute, Dimitri Kesari served as Master of Ceremonies. Together with Pat Nolan a former California Assembly leader and lifelong associate of Ronald Reagan, we had a great event for Sterling.
Credit to
As I have written you several times now, I have told you the news that Dimitri Kesari has been nominated to the Loudoun Water Board of Directors where he served four years previously.
The Loudoun Water Board can spend, overbuild and overcharge and simply pass the expenses onto Sterling utility customers in the form of a rate hike on water bills. If you want a sure conservative voice, you need to tell the Board of Supervisors you want Dimitri Kesari on the water board at [email protected]
Tell the BOS "A vote for Dimitri Kesari on the water board is a vote to keep water utility rates as low as possible since Dimitri Kesari is pledged to keep rates down." Thank you.
On February 6 if he were still alive Ronald Reagan would be 102 years old.
Bolton Honors Reagan Feb. 6, 2013 102nd Reagan Birthday Celebration:
Ambassador John Bolton will speak here in Loudoun. Feb 6, 2013 7:00 - 8:30 PM
at Ashburn Presbyterian Church 20962 Ashburn Road Ashburn, Virginia 20147
He served as Ambassador to the United Nations under President George W. Bush and many high ranking positions in Federal Government. It is free admission.
C-span Reagan Birthday Celebration 2001
Video: Meese Keynote, Delgaudio Given Reagan Award
Former Attorney General Ed Meese gave the keynote nationwide address the first 38 minutes with CF President James Taylor as Master of Ceremonies. John Shepard did the actual presentation of the Reagan award to me back in 2001.
And I responded, about 39 minutes into the posted C-span tape,to being named the Conservative Forum Reagan awardee for moral courage to a national audience. Then Delegate Dick Black follows me as another awardee of the coveted Reagan Award for moral courage.
See full C-Span Video for free (no registration)
Full Report On last years Sterling 102nd Reagan Salute at this link