Eugene Delgaudio - Sterling District
Latest News


March 15, 2010



Supervisor Delgaudio's Reductions for an Alternative Budget March 10, 2010

I have posted my "Supervisor Delgaudio's Alternative Budget" with over $121,000,000 in reductions, revenue or fee increases and elimination of certain government functions at this link.

That's One hundred and twenty one million dollars in your money to reduce the spending by this board of supervisors. Last week I attempted to close the "adult 4 H" as I call it or the "taxpayer funded hobby farmers" but was turned down 7 no, 2 yes and as a result you, the taxpayer will pay an extra $255,000.

In general, I seek to reduce spending on things that are not essential or related to health, safety, law enforcement or education.

That leaves $121,000,000 to cut and Loudoun county will still be spending 1.3 billion dollars.

Each penny (one cents) you pay in your 1.40 proposed tax rate is $7.5 million in spending. In order to make a dent in everybody's tax bill, I have to cut a minimum of 75 million dollars to make a ten cent reduction in spending.

For approximately $18 million in reductions in increased spending, I propose the RECOMMENDATIONS of the new county administrator, Tim Hempstreet. I have been trying to implement a "zero" per cent increase in spending.

Each motion I make to reduce spending on the basis of a "zero per cent" increase is met with defeat.

You need five votes to pass a reduction.

The first reduction in spending was a vote to "ONLY" have reduction of net $8.3 million but board members have been ADDING BACK and reducing the reduction (that is not funny!). And several supervisors promise to "return" with even more spending.

I will continue to push for real reductions and I have many proposals adding up to 121,000,000.

I have been going into last years budget suggestions from the previous administrator Kirby Bowers and of course I have many of my own suggestions. Please thank Supervisor Waters and some of the other supervisors have seconded a few motions.

But so far all of them are going down in flames. The board will meet 3 or 4 more times on the budget including a 1 p.m. Tuesday meeting and some nighttime meetings. Write all nine supervisors at [email protected]. Thank you.

Delgaudio's List of $121,000,000 in Reductions

I will ask to reduce the expenditure a total of $1.85 million to Further Reduce Funding for Regional Organizations including $191,000 Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments and $134,010 Northern Virginia Regional Commission

I will ask to reduce the expenditure of tax dollars for Drug Court by $296,396

I will ask to revoke all of the exemptions granted by the Board of Supervisors previously including the Howard Hughes Institute for a total of $4.9 million in taxes not being paid.

I will ask for entire departments or non-essential programs to just go away for a year (Economic Development, Public Relations, recycling, DARE, Drug Court) totaling many millions of dollars.

And with $41 million in proposed Delgaudio reductions, I will also propose a proportional reduction in the school side of the budget based on the same criteria I am using for the county side, and similar criteria or reasoning being used in Richmond by both the Senate and House of Delgates or $81 million in reductions.

Delgaudio's List of $121,000,000 in Reductions


Thank you to those of you who plugged the Teen Job Fair. You are helping Sterling Teens to obtain jobs this summer.

This teen job fair will be bigger than last year because of some of you who are helping out, it is earlier in the year, more companies are participating, more newspapers and news outlets are promoting it and news of last year's success has spread. And there is a full page ad in the Supervisor Delgaudio newsletter mailed to 10,000 homes.


The 2010 Sterling Teen Job Fair will be held on Saturday, March 20th from 1pm-3pm at the Sterling Community Center on Commerce Street in Sterling, Virginia. 500 teens attended last year and all Loudoun County teens are welcome.


Here's some of the 30 companies participating:

Algonkian Regional Park, Career and Opportunity Program for Loudoun County (Loudoun Youth Advisory Council and Loudoun Youth), Glory Days Grill, Loudoun Workforce Resource Center, Virginia Regional Transit, Chick-Fil-A, Regal Fox Cinemas,
Claude Moore Recreation Center, Inova Hospital, Loudoun County Parks and Recreation, Telos, Buffalo Wing Factory,
Ashburn Icehouse, Northern Virginia Gymnastics Academy, Old Navy, and Continental Pools.


Last year five participants were awarded full scholarships to the Young America's Foundation 3 day long High School national conference and this year five more participants will be selected for full scholarships. Each scholarship includes tuition and meals valued at $600.


Here's what Sterling Planning Commissioner Helena Syska said about last year's Teen Job Fair

Awesome teen job fair, Eugene. The atmosphere was festive, the kids dynamic, the employers so happy to be included. We are so blessed to have so many terrific teens in our community. I loved having the opportunity to work with them today. This was community spirit at its best! An inspirational event. Encore, encore.

To volunteer or sponsor a booth for your company (no charge) please let Delgaudio's office know by return email at [email protected] or call 703-771-5819 my office to reserve one of the remaining booths. No fee, free admission and we will recognize the sponsoring companies before, during and after the event. Let's hope teens attend again this year!

>>>Girls Night Out and Easter Bunny

Tina Dantro Manager of the Sterling Community Center and host of the teen job fair reports "We've started our spring face lift. Come visit the center and see the big changes that have occurred!" (theres a new pavillion too).

Tina helped organize *Girls Night Out* which was reported in the Washington Post this past Saturday, March 13th for girls in eight through twelfth grades. Sessions included personal safety, relationship health, fashion,
nutrition, internet safety and more.

For the younger crowd Tina is plugging St. Patricks Day will surely be a fun time, don't forget Breakfast with the Easter Bunny and our Flashlight Egg Hunt. Call 703-430-9480 for all the details.

>>>Girls Night out reported in WP

>>> AG Cuccinelli Attempts To Restore Rule of Law In Virginia

>>>AG Cuccinelli Responds To Liberal Critics On Letter To Universities

Below is a link to AG Ken Cuccinelli's Op-Ed he submitted which was printed in today's Richmond Times Dispatch, I hope you'll take the time to read it! There's been quite a lot of talk about AG Ken's letter to Virginia's Universities - I hope this will clear up any lingering questions you may have on the subject. His message is "to Sterling Americans".

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