Eugene Delgaudio - Sterling District
Photo Album

Delgaudio in the Community

Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio joins other leaders of the Sterling community in meeting up April 29 and picking up trash on Sterling Boulevard. Mowing costs are raised by donations to the recycling bin at Park View High School in the background.
Eugene joins Sterling community leaders in picking up trash on Sterling Boulevard.
Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio joins other leaders of the Sterling community in meeting up April 29 and picking up trash on Sterling Boulevard. Mowing costs are raised by donations to the recycling bin at Park View High School in the background.
Eugene joins Sterling community leaders in picking up trash on Sterling Boulevard.
Left To Right Loudoun County Staff member Chuck Acker, citizen Bruce Leinberger, Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio, Pacific Restaurant owner Louis Cheng, Planning Commissioner Helena Syska and Sterling District Legislative Aide Donny Ferguson prepare and then cut the ribbon at the the dedication of the new traffic signal at the intersection of Potomac Run Shopping Plaza (opposite Benedict Drive) and Bartholemew Fair Drive on Monday, November 29th 2004. Fox 5 TV News was on the scene with an interview and aired a report for thousands to see.
Fox 5 TV News reports on Traffic Light Dedication in Sterling
Senator Bill Mims, Salvation Army Representative and ED gives the first donation of the year (2003) for their annual bell ringing campaign
The year's first donation to the Salvation Army
ED, with Senator Mims looking on, addresses Salvation Army Bell Ringing and crowd attending the ceremony at the Dulles Town Center
Salvation Army fundraising
The board of supervisors joins Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio and VDOT officials in beginning the construction of Church road and Rt. 28
Supervisors at Groundbreaking at Church Road/Route 28 intersection
Delegate Richard Black, Member of the House of Delegates Committee on
Transportation and Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio and Commonwealth
Transportation Board (CTB) member Hobie Mitchel shovel the first dirt at
the groundbreaking of the Church Road and Route 28 intersection which
will cut travel time to just minutes.
Groundbreaking at Church Road/Route 28 intersection