Eugene Delgaudio - Sterling District
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Fireworks July 3, Rock Singer Rod Stewart at BOS?, Bob Grillo, Signs, and Drums

June 26, 2010

Park View High School Graduation

Congratulations to the class of 2010 and their families from Park View High School which had its first outdoor graduation in their football field this past Tuesday, June 22. Parties are being held all week including today for the graduates.


The Sterling Golf and Swim Club will present the annual Fireworks display. From 1 to 8 p.m. the swimming pool will be open to the public.

From 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. there will be a carnival type atmosphere. Food and Beverages will be available.

7:30 pm. to 9:15 there will be entertainment.

9:15 p.m. Live Fireworks

You can see the fireworks from the grassy area of the Golf course or from anywhere near the Sterling Golf and Swim Club. About 10,000 people witness the display and residents crowd the shopping areas as well.


"Be Courageous Be Brave" were the words spoken in the board room. Was that Rod Stewart the rock singer in his ballad "Forever Young"?

No. It was Gem Bingol the field officer of the Piedmont Environmental Council urging the Board of Supervisors to pass what I call the Chesapeake Pay Act. Any taxpayer buying a play set will also have to pay $5,000 for a permit to do any "land disturbance".

Bingol was responding to the alerted members of the public from all walks of life: farmers, renters of townhouses, owners of small single family houses, engineers, geologists, realtors, large land owners, big CEOs of big companies, even a deck builder who all roundly condemned the Chesepeage Pay Act at a June public input session.

One man named Tim read the ordinance outloud verbatim to explain how burdensome the law is.

Puddles and drainage ditches will be considered sacred water resources that must be protected 200 feet in every direction and any property parcel -- even town houses--- will be part of the parcel if you are anywhere near a drainage area or stormwater drain of any kind.

Walk anywhere in Sterling. Just walk 200 feet. You will find a drainage grill, a puddle or ditch or area that "floods" when there is rain. All of Sterling is impacted.

Staff and one supervisor says the Ordinance does not apply to every project and that is a complete fabrication.

The staff is eager to accept the broad powers outlined in the ordinance.

Fairfax county has designated only small portions for a similar "Ches. Pay Act" so only a fraction of the giant Fairfax map has the "Ches Pay Act" apply to it.

But over-zealous social planners in Loudoun will wrap a giant "do not build anything" blanket over the entire Loudoun Map and make anyone who wants a playset, sidewalk, landscaping of any kind, patio, deck or outside structure for their homeowners association to pay an enormous permit fee of $5,000 on average.

Play sets-- swings for children -- needs approval under the Ches. Pay Act.

Staff and one supervisor accuse 100 people who have raised this legitimate issue of misleading and misinforming the public,

It is actually the supervisor and gleeful power hungry ideological purists on the county staff who are misleading and misinforming the public for whatever reason. That's not my place to say why but it is my place to tell you.

From the Independent OnLine
Oops! Supervisor Meant to Vote No on Belmont Road Widening


This Saturday is Youth Fest at Brambleton Town Center from 2pm-8pm. This free, day-long event for teens features live music, interactive video games, spray tattoo booths, a rock wall, exhibits, prizes, and a Star Recording Studio where kids can record their own CD. In addition, all finalists in the 2009-2010 Loudoun All Star Battle of the Bands will perform during YouthFest. Festival headliner, My Favorite Highway, is expected to take the stage at 7:00 p.m. following a performance by the winner of the Battle of the Bands, Mercury in Summer.


Robert Grillo has graciously accepted my nomination to serve as the Sterling representative on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Panel. He brings many decades of service in youth leagues here in Sterling, a stretch of 30 years. And before coming to this area he helped run the largest youth leagues in the world as a park official in New York City. He is a humble servant to thousands of families.

Where did that "Student Play Tonight" Sign Go?

If you are in a sports league, held a yard sale or promote church events and wonder why your signs disappear around Lououdn county, it is not sign thieves, it is "sign removing volunteers " who sweep through and remove them.

If you are a small business, that's not a good thing. Large companies are equally confused and befuddled how to put up signs also.

To tell the county that you support the current sign ordinance or oppose the ordiance please consider commenting on the
amendments are now under review by the Planning Commission. One amendment would allow commercial developments with retail stores to put up more than one sign on their property for the small shop or large buildings to have more than one sign for multiple tennants.

The purpose of this e-mail is to let you know ways to submit public comment and remain informed about the process.

Public comment on the proposed amendments may be sent to [email protected]> or to [email protected]>. In addition, the public may access information and provide public comment regarding this zoning ordinance amendment (ZOAM-2009-0003) on the Loudoun Online Land Applications System (LOLA) by going to> and selecting LOLA in the Hot Topics.

DCI Drum Corp "The Phantom Band" is Coming To Sterling!

Monday, June 28, 6-10 pm Watch practice and performance for FREE!

Division I DCI marching band coming to visit and practice at Park View High School this coming Monday, June 28. The Phantom Regiment, from Illinois, will be using the football field at ParkView to practice on between 6-10 pm. All students are invited to come watch this amazing group practice and perform. The Band will go through a run through (without stops) at 9:15 pm. It is a pretty amazing sight to see. This is free and open to everyone to come.

For more information about DCI "Marching Music's Major League" please go to

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