Liberals in Leesburg have eyes on your property in a massive land grab and some of you have responded by saying "hands off my property." Thank you.
Thank you to those of you who responded and wrote the board of supervisors.
Thank you to those of you who came to the board room.
Farmers, businessmen, lawyers, planners, homeowners who live in townhouses and detached houses; just about the entire range of propery dwellers came out.
Over 70 people came to the board room on Monday night and over 200 citizens wrote emails in the 48 hours prior to the hearing.
Liberal special interests and liberal supervisors immediately condemned them for spreading lies and being wrong and claiming that, indeed, they were not attempting to grab millions of acres of land for their own use.
You, the citizens have won the first battle in the "2010 Obama Board of Supervisors Land Grab" but you have only begun to fight. You must continue.
To recap how in the world we got here at this moment.
The liberal board of supervisors voted 7 to 2 to "study" adopting the Chesapeake Bay Act, which I named the Chesapeake "Pay Act". With very little news coverage, no formal hearings and no (none) involvement of all of the people directly impacted, the board held a "hearing" on the final draft of the proposed legal land grab of fifty per cent of the entire land mass of Loudoun County.
Thank goodness 60 people showed up opposed. Ten special interest spokesmen-ladies supported the far reaching laws that would outlaw gazebos, playsets, doghouses, most tree plantings, decks, patios, sheds by imposing $5.000 permit fees across 50 per cent of the entire land mass of Loudoun County.
Some liberal supervisors and staff openly misrepresented simple questions from me about the true scope of this.
After 30 minutes of a staff presentation (more like an attempt at propaganda spreading-- it was the longest presentation in my 10 year history on the board)I asked "the board was presented slides and information at the joint meeting of the planning commissioners and the board-- concerning the Resource Management Area.
I said quote "We only are being told tonight throughout this presentation about Resource Protection Area (RPAs) where is the Resource Management Area in this presentation tonight?" Why is there no section or headline with the words "Resource Protection Area". unquote, sic.
Even though there was no mention of it until that moment I was told "we covered that".
Minutes later staff mentioned "resource management area" verbally. Minutes later they read a sentence "fifty percent of the land area of Loudoun County from the text of slide in upper and lower case letters.
Again I said Mr. Chairman. That is what I am talking about. This is the discussion that our county has had and yet it is completely deleted, downplayed and removed from tonight's presentation.
This is why there are people tonight. The county has targeted fifty per cent of the land area of the county including every area including Sterling and yet only one sentence now, tonight.
The citizens present erupted in applause.
But this is just the beginning. Unless you act today this law may be in force soon.
Public Input is Tuesday June 1 at 7 p.m. (day after Memorial Day) and Monday June 14 7 p.m. (day before our regular meeting) before the board takes up action again on the Ches. "Pay Act".
This is the previous newsletter which details more
American Legion Post 150's 34th annual Memorial Day
Monday May 31 11 A.M.
Ann Kuo, Commander of American Legion Post 150 in Sterling,
announced that Sterling's 34th annual Veteran's Memorial Day
Ceremony will be held on Monday, May 31st 2009, at 11:00 am at the
Sterling Veteran's Memorial located on the North East corner of
Sterling Middle School grounds at the intersection of Sterling
Boulevard and East Holly Avenue.
Grand Opening Sterling Sheriff Substation June 9
Public Invited to Dedication Ceremony for Sterling Station, a first in Sterling history.
You are cordially invited to the dedication of the new Sterling Sheriff's Station located at 46620 East Frederick Drive in Sterling next to Rolling Ridge Elementary School behind Briar Patch Park.
The sheriff's substation is now operational but not open to the public. The official opening ceremony is Wednesday, June 9 at 6:30 p.m. All the county supervisors, delegates, senators and law enforcement from every level will be ther