Supervisor Delgaudio's Reductions for an Alternative Budget March 10, 2010
I move to table any amendments in order to keep the Proposed Budget +5% Increase as a starting point and to add savings rather than change or switch out the proposed expenditures of ($9,359,000), revenues of ($1,054,000) and net funding of ($8,305,000) with a FTEs of (104.65)
I move to accept Option #1- 0 % increase for a total savings of $9,863,000.00 with ($292,000) in revenues and funding of ($9,571,000) with FTE of (130.08).
Reference page E-50 to E-60 in the FY 2011 Proposed Fiscal Plan.
Eliminate Proposed Enhancements
I move to eliminate the enhancement for
Parks, Recreation and Community Services
To Open Philip A. Bolen Memorial Park for expenditure of $1,067,000
and 12.02 FTEs
I move to eliminate the enhancement for
General Services for Fund Operating & Maintenance Costs for New
Facilities for expenditure of $977,000.00 and to distribute
additional necessary costs over the entire system similar to the
Library and Animal Shelter actions.
I move to add Revenues of $3,109,000.00 in increased fees in Building and Development, Parks and Recs, the Library's overdue fines system and other fees in the proposed Budget
Enhancements in the FY 2011 Proposed Fiscal Plan.
Reference pages E-43 to E-49 in the FY 2011 Proposed Fiscal
Reduce Regional Organizations
I move to reduce the expenditure a total of $1.85 million to
Further Reduce Funding for Regional Organizations as
(reference pages 3-87 to 3-101, FY 2011 Plan)
$191,000 Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
$385,112 Northern Virginia Community College
$908,063 Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority
$134,010 Northern Virginia Regional Commission
$65,000 Loudoun Small Business Development Center (to reduce to
$75,000 Legal Services Corporation
$25,000 Bluemont Concert Series
$70,000 Loudoun Museum
$6,000 Round Hill Arts Center
Total $1.85 million
I move to reduce the expenditure of tax dollars for Drug Court
by $296,396
(see attached page 2-100 of FY 2010 Proposed Fiscal Plan Tier 3
I move to reduce the expenditure of tax dollars and return to the balance $569,000 to eliminate the DARE program (see attached page 2-99 from the FY 2010 Proposed Fiscal Plan Tier 3 Option)
I move to eliminate the Dulles Town Center Deputy patrol and return to the balance $527,191 (2011 number) (see attached page 2-101 from the FY 2010 Proposed Fiscal Plan Tier 3 Option)
I move to eliminate Multi-lingual program and return to the balance $125,000 (see attached page E-73 from the FY 2010 Proposed Fiscal Plan Tier 3 Options)
I move to further reduce Contingency for litigation by $250,000 (see attached page 2-77 from the FY 2010 Proposed Fiscal Plan Tier 3 Options)
I move to further eliminate Services at all Recycling Dropoff
Centers and return to the balance $284,000
(see attached page E-82 from the FY 2010 Proposed Fiscal Plan Tier
4 Option)
I move to reduce further reduce the Chairman's District Budget and the Supervisors District budgets by another five per cent for a total of a ten per cent reduction or $6,000 from the chairman and $44,000 from the 8 respective Supervisor District budgets for $50,000 to add to the balance.
(see attached page E-43 from the FY 2010 Proposed Fiscal Plan Tier 4 Option)
Eliminate Supervisor Staff
I move to completely reduce by $900,000 from the Board of
Supervisors total budget to leave the balance for supervisor
payroll and audit costs.
Reference: page 1-7 in the FY 2011 Proposed Fiscal Plan.
Eliminate Public Information
I motion to reduce by $713,000 the budget for the Public
Information Office
Reference page 1-116 in the FY 2011 Proposed Fiscal Plan.
Eliminate Economic Development
I motion to reduce by $1,415,000 the budget for the Economic
Development office
Reference page 5-21 in the FY 2011 Proposed Fiscal Plan.
Further Reduce FTEs
I motion to reduce one additional FTE from Management and Financial
Services to achieve a saving of $100,000
I motion to reduce one additional FTE from Building and Development to achieve a saving of $100,000
Reference page E-62 in the FY 2011 Proposed Fiscal Plan. (see attached page 1-109 from the FY 2010 Proposed Fiscal Plan Tier 1 and 2 Option)
I motion to again defer the Survey of County residents to achieve a
saving of $20,000
(see attached page E-43 from the FY 2010 Proposed Fiscal Plan Tier 2 Option)
I motion to increase the fare on the Loudoun commuter bus $1 with a goal to reduce the subsidy by $1,000,000
Reference page 5-58 in the FY 2011 Proposed Fiscal Plan.
Additional Parks, Recreation and Community Services Reductions.
I motion to close Franklin Performing Arts and Heritage Farm Museum with a savings of $300,000 to add to the balance
I motion to reduce expenditures by $700,000 using one day closings of all Parks, community centers, and senior centers to achieve this in an equitable manner.
Reference page 4-19 in the FY 2011 Proposed Fiscal Plan.
I motion to reduce expenditures by $255,000 by eliminating
extension services
Reference page 3-4 in the FY 2011 Proposed Fiscal Plan.
Eliminate Tax Exemptions
I motion to add Revenue exempted by Board of Supervisor action in the amount of $4,984,809 to the balance.
Reference list of ten non-profit groups provided by Todd Kauffman handout
I motion to sell access county land that is not planned for any fire, safety or education use in the current CIP for the amount of $2,000,000 to go to the balance.
Reference: county sold a small parcel of land in Sterling to use for transportation improvements as an example. And there is a county report on land parcels that fit this catergory.
I move to reduce the amount to the school board by $25, 130, 056 and endorse the recommendations of the School administrator in his FY 2011 Superintendents Proposed Operating Budget Option #1 Reduction List
I move to further reduce the amount to the school board by $5,500,000 with the request that there be no pay increase of 1.1 per cent for employees.
I move to further reduce the amount to the school board in the amount of $20,000,000 in recognition of the House of Delegates action to authorize the reduction of contributions to the retirement system (which has been at 15 per cent.)
I move to further reduce the amount to the school in the amount of $30,000,000 in recognition of additional revenue due to the adjustment of the economic indicator and the proportional increase in the revenue from the state.