Fixing Potholes And More
100s attended or sent greetings for last weeks 55th birthday party. Thank you for those who celebrated my party.
There have been other responses.
Liberals are responding with a few editorial tirades and commentaries against my opposition to granting special privileges, and mandatory hiring of, militant homosexuals and people who declare their gender to be something other than man or woman.
I am not against Dustin Hoffman dressing up as
Tootsie in the movie by the same name. But if we allow Loudoun
County to hire men who wear dresses, we may someday require men to
wear dresses. The line has to be drawn
(See correction below)
The substation is about to open so be ready for the announcement in February 2010.
There is a illegal and informal day labor site operating in Loudoun and I am asking for the county to end it.
Today I checked potholes. The newly resurfaced roads (Lincoln Road, the northern half of Sterling Blvd., Church Road) are holding up nicely. I reported 20 potholes to VDOT for repair.
Do you know of some potholes from your neighborhood? Give me the 2 cross streets or the house number and street number it is in front of. If it is a two lane or 4 lane section, tell me if it is a righthand lane and the direction. Thanks.
Johnson & Johnson's McNeil Consumer Healthcare is expanding its voluntary recall to include all lots of Tylenol's 100 count bottles of arthritis pain caplets because of consumer reports of an unusual moldy, musty odor.
The products subject to the recall include all types of products
indicated for both children and adults including Tylenol, Motrin,
Benadryl, St. Joseph Aspirin, Rolaids, and Simply Sleep.
Six million packages of Tylenol were recalled last year and
the expanded recall would affect a total of eighty million
packages, reported.
This is the link to the news story
This is a complete list in PDF format of the recalled
A small correction to what I wrote to you January 6:
Quote "The board voted six yes, Waters and Delgaudio "no", with York abstaining, to add "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" to the hiring of employees which means if a man dressed as woman wants a job, you have to treat "it" the same as a normal person."
Correction: With apologies to real-life Tootsies and their defenders in Loudoun County who are calling me "unfit" and a "disgrace" for these and other words (the action of the board was "freaky, bizarre, fruity"-- I stand by those words)
I want to make it clear I was not refering in a perjorative fashion to any person. All persons should always be treated with respect.
Corrected statement (this will make my intent clear): The board voted six yes, Waters and Delgaudio "no", with York abstaining, to add "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" to the hiring of employees which means if a man dressed as a woman wants a job, you have to treat the hiring of this man the same as a man who wears normal clothing."
More later.