Roads are slippery but most are plowed and passable. Loudoun and Fairfax schools are closed for today and all programs at the schools are cancelled.
The office of Supervisor Delgaudio will sponsor its 2nd Annual Teen Job Fair on March 20th, 2010 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the community center on Commerce Street in Sterling.
I had a birthday in Janaury and Frank Wolf is having his birthday party this Friday night. 6 - 8 p.m. Friday, February 5, 2010 at the Washington Dulles Airport Hilton 13869 Park Center Road Herndon, Virginia 20171 (On Route 28, just south of the Dulles Access Road).
The 10th District Congressional Art Show featuring works by area
high school students will be from 5-8 p.m. on Friday, March 12, at
the George Washington University (GWU) campus in Loudoun County,
Rep. Frank Wolf (R-10th) announced today.
The show is free and open to the public. The winner will be
announced at 7:30 p.m.
New County administrator Tim Hempstreet will present his new 4 p.m. on Monday February 8.
Loudoun County has posted previous fiscal updates of the
administrator here
The county will have "Budget Public Hearings" on Feb. 24 at 3:30 and 6:30 p.m. in Leesburg. The board has "general" public input Tuesday Feb. 16 at 7 p.m. The board will begin budget worksessions for ten nights in March.
To testify on the budget by email, put "Re: Budget and Tax Rate" in the subject heading and write [email protected]. To go to the public hearing call this number after Feb. 10 and get an approximate time slot for your appearance 703-771-5072 or 703-777-0200.
Thank you for the encouragement and support. Every meeting I take stands against spending money or imposing new regulations on business. Programs or new policies that cost the taxpayers millions of dollars are passed every meeting.
You are the reason for my taking the rocks and arrows. Many of you encourage me with your emails, phone calls and hearty expressions of support when I make my rounds in Sterling.
My liberal collegues understand I fight for you. Some of them resent me and the manner in which I oppose their policies. They strike at me. And they condemn those who support me also. As many of you observe there seems to be no government program in Loudoun or the world that can be eliminated without howling and protests.
This board directed the administrator to come up with a budget that spends the same AMOUNT of money as last year. This action is a reversal of previous conservative policies of setting a budget at the same TAX RATE as last year. Due to the hardship of the economy and the drop in assessments this will mean that the administrator will start with a hike up up up from the $1.245 rate to an advertized rate of $1.41 just to get to the same level of spending.
My position is that when we all have less money than local county government must make due with less.
On a repeated basis I have proposed setting the tax rate at the current level of $1.245 and only received the support of one other supervisor, Lori Waters.
In the past few weeks starting in January and even today there is widespread resentment that I take strong stands but they are based on the disregard for costs involved with wrongful government policies.
Sometimes it seems Loudoun County has become a plaything for liberals to spend hundreds of millions of your dollars on wasteful projects or to stop other privately funded projects that would compete with these government-imposed monopolies.
As is customary there will be a Delgaudio List of suggested reductions in spending. Last Saturday morning a county official recognized the tremendous impact Sterling volunteers make in devoting their free time to being firemen and rescue volunteers. You know I promote them here too.
Other citizens asked why the libraries compete with Blockbuster Video stores and staff members drive senior citizens to gambling casinos out of state. Again, you may remember reading those comments here years ago.
Hybrid car buyers get a free ride buying new cars costing you and others $3 million a year. Now that the board is treating these new car buyers the same as you, there will be an outcry. You heard from me that this type of subsidy had to end and only through your actions has that happened and the county has now eliminated that $3 million subsidy.
Together you and I can make our voices heard. Government does not have to be everywhere spending your money this year or any year. But together we can continue to get our message of fiscal restraint out.
Board Ignores Dillon Rule and AG's Opinions (Unofficial
During the great economic times, I did not vote for tax increases.
Don't expect me to vote for massive tax increases on already
burdened Sterling Americans who are already suffering from
plummetting assessments, job losses, tax increases each year for
several years.
For several years the most widely quoted constituent newsletter in the region. Thank you for being part of something important to Sterling and the entire Washington region.