"Obama's Board" Sneak Attack
Thank you. I am getting wonderful responses and RSVPs from some of you.
And some money is coming in. Please make a decision to come, or send money for my January 7 birthday party.
I told reporters today that I got a Senior Citizen Discount at Roy Rogers in Leesburg. I thought that was especially funny due to my 55th birthday being this week.
I will be 55 years old on Jan. 7 and 2010 will mark my tenth year as your Sterling Supervisor.
On January 7, 2010 you are invited to Glory Days Grill in Sterling on Dranesville Road at 6:30 p.m. to share some birthday cake and hear a special announcement regarding my future plans. RESERVE today by emailing me "Yes I will attend your 55th Birthday Party For Re-election". Thank you.
Please let me know if you can come. Thanks.
Thank you to those of you who have been generous and sent a donation.
Keep in mind I have to order cake. How big a cake? How many plates? So let me know so I can get enough cake! Thank you.
RESERVE today by emailing me "Yes I will attend your 55th Birthday Party For Re-election". Thank you.
America was attacked on Christmas Day by a terrorist trying to bring down an American jetliner. President Barrack Obama stayed on his Hawaiian vacation for two weeks and refused to take action until today and asked his advisors to get back to him "soon" later this week. So it will take three weeks for America to respond to this attack.
There has been little action by the Obama Administration to the attack.
This lack of speed or not caring about genuinely urgent matters shows me that liberals don't care about important things.
On the other hand, if there is some socialism to spread or threaten us with, you bet there will be all night sessions up to and including Christmas eve to rush TARP, Stimulus bribes or "Healthcare" through.
In a similar vein the current Board, I call it the "Obama Board" refuses to do anything "drastic" about the budget and sets the budget automatically at last years spending level. The "Obama Board of Supervisors" is in no hurry to reduce spending or assist taxpayers with the pain that increased taxes over the last year during a recession.
Now, today, a pattern has emerged.
Like Obama, this board of supervisors rushes to increase taxes, pass new environmental regulations, impose the meals tax over the objections of most Loudoun voters, abolish religious freedom with threats against the nativity and religious expression and now today passes bizarre "CROSS DRESSING" protection with no public notice and no public hearing.
The board voted six yes, Waters and Delgaudio "no", with York abstaining, to add "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" to the hiring of employees which means if a man dressed as woman wants a job, you have to treat "it" the same as a normal person.
Independent News Article online
Loudoun Not to Discriminate Based on Sexual Orientation, Gender
This board refuses, over my frequent objection, to deal with a
nearly 200 million dollar budget gap due to out of control spending
and mismanagement in not responding to the downturn in the
As part of the "next budget" they plan to continue the same amount of spending and at at higher rate of taxes. To a liberal thats a "cut".
To a normal taxpayer that policy ignores a significant reduction countywide in the value of most homes and income due to no raises or lost income.
This board is in no hurry to reduce spending, or end programs that are wasteful and unnecessary and even seeks to continue $2 million in tax subsidies to new car buyers who purchase hybrid cars and six million dollars in subsidies to a liberal foundation that has ten billion dollars in the bank!
But this board can pass special employment legislation for hiring open homosexuals and cross dressing freaks. This board thinks they represent San Francisco, Ca. or Greenwich Village, NY or Arlington, Va.
If they were going to deal with "jobs" and "hiring" how about reducing taxing and spending on all of us?
So, if you want this crazy policies to go unchallenged do nothing.
Otherwise, please come to my birthday party and be counted against these wrongful measures by a liberal left board.
Join me in opposing these wrongful policies.
I hold a birthday party every ten years, so why not pay attention to extending the holiday one more week?
I will be 55 years old on Jan. 7 and 2010 will mark my tenth year as your Sterling Supervisor.
Do you want out of control liberals rampaging in Leesburg to be challenged and opposed?
If the answer is yes, read on.
On January 7, 2010 you are invited to Glory Days Grill in Sterling on Dranesville Road at 6:30 p.m. to share some birthday cake.
RESERVE today by emailing me "Yes I will attend your 55th Birthday Party For Re-election". Thank you.
Or simply write a check now to Friends of Delgaudio and mail it to me "Eugene Delgaudio c/o Friends of Delgaudio P.O. Box 1222 Sterling, Va. 20167.
Or donate online to
Donations OVER $100 are publicly disclosed. No Limit on the amount of the donation.
You have my promise that I will work hard to make 2010 a good year for all Sterling Americans.
Your check for $500 will make 2010 our best year yet.
Or your donation of $250 will answer the critics who cry for more tax increases and want to ruin 2010.
Donate $150 or $100 if you can. Or please send $50 or $25.
Tell me if you can come to my January 7 2010 party of course and take a moment with me to mark my 55th Birthday.
Thank you if you have sent a donation already.