Victory Victory
We have won. We have won. The board voted 7 yes, 1 no, Scott York absent for the vote, to restore Christmas to Loudoun County.
Supervisor Stevens Miller said we would have a "spagetti monster" and I thought he was talking about me since I like spagetti and Supervisor Jim Burton threatened that the KKK would come.
The debate and threats from the anti-Christmas crowd was fast and furious and repeated by anti-Christian forces over and over again from the Establishment. In the end the 7 supervisors decided there is nothing illegal about allowing ALL citizens to use the public property paid for by you the Loudoun taxpayers.
You can now put a nativity, creche, Christmas tree, menorah, or other religious display at the courthouse. Our ordeal is over. Freedom of speech is restored. So now people of all faiths can celebrate this season as many of them do in a traditonal manner with all their symbols on the lawn of the courthouse.
Yesterday both of my proposals were adopted. So congratulations to the 1,100 Sterling Americans and Loudoun citizens who signed the petition to restore Christmas asked for in the Delgaudio Battleplan to Save Christmas.
After the meeting, I rushed to Fairfax to help long time friend, and pro-family conservative, Steve Hunt win the Republican nomination for State Senate in the vacated Senator Cuccinelli seat (he is now AG). Congratulations to Steve, he got 51 per cent of the vote. I worked until 10 p.m.