Free Coffee and Free Pancakes
Reminder: look up for the comet tonight near where Saturn is in the night sky.
>>>Free Coffee, Free Pancakes
Free Pancakes at IHOP Sterling today Tuesday Feb. 24 from 7 am. to 10 p.m. The local Sterling restaurant is seeking a donation to the Leukemia Society. Last year free pancake day raised $875,000.00 for charities.
Free Coffee at McDonalds 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. daily. There are two McDonalds in Sterling. This offer is good for February so get free coffee (will that be one sugar or two sugars?) Feb. 25, 26, 27 and 28. Or get free iced coffee. Your choice.
>>Sterling Knights of Columbus
For many years the Sterling Knights, headquartered at "The Barn" host the annual parade. On Friday, March 6 they will sponsor an OLD FASHION FISH FRY Friday March 6 and also Friday April 3rd - 6:30 - 8:30 pm; Adults $12, Children under 12 - $5 ( includes homemade Salsa and Chips, Beer Battered/baked cod filet, homemade cole slaw, vegetable, roll and desert.
The deputy who set up 20 new neighborhood watches in Sterling Park and Eastern Loudoun is gettig a top honor.
There will be a public ceremony in honor of Loudoun County Sheriff's Deputy Specialist James D. Spurlock, Jr., who will receive the Virginia Veterans of Foreign Wars Outstanding Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award.
The National and Department awards will be presented by the VFW Department Jr. Vice-Commander, Jim Martin. The Post awards will be presented by VFW Sterling Post 9478 Commander, Bill Atkinson. The District 10 Commander, Margo Sheridan, will also be in attendance.
Light refreshments will be served.
Starting on Wednesday, February 25th at 6:00 PM, the Board of Supervisors will begin holding public hearings regarding the 2010 county budget.
In general, I am in favor of reductions in spending and I will vote to keep many of the proposed reductions in place. I understand that Sterling has suffered with tax increases year after year, and I have proposed many reductions which have been routinely ignored and voted down year after year. Having said that, I will propose further reductions in spending in order to fund necessities in Sterling.
This funding reality is entirely due the complete lack of funds due to falling assessments and tax collections.
I consider fire and public safety to be a top priority.
I consider 3 civilians to staff the sheriff's substation a necessity.
I consider enough staff to enforce zoning regulations a necessity.
I consider enough money to get rid of one (1) burned out house in Sterling a necessity.
A concern I have relates to zoning enforcement. At the February 17th Board of Supervisors Meeting, Supervisor Burke, Supervisor Burton, Supervisor Kurtz, Supervisor Waters, and Chairman York voted in favor of a motion to task two zoning enforcement employees with the removal of illegal signs from V-DOT right-of-ways.
I fear that this decision may result in less zoning enforcement in Sterling due to the loss of two zoning enforcement personnel. To me, this is an example of how Sterling is being ignored.
Finally, Library Trustees are considering the closing of the Sterling Library. I hope they don't come to that.
Every department and every budget is deeply effected by the reduction in funds for this 2010 budget even with a tax increase.
I have been critical of tax increases during good economic times. I condemn tax increases especially when most taxpayers have less money due to the economic downturn.
If you feel strongly about any of these issues or if you have concerns of your own, you may want to consider attending one of the upcoming Budget Public Hearings.
>>>Budget Hearings Schedule
Wednesday Feb. 25, 6:00 p.m. Board of Supervisors Meeting Room Leesburg
Thursday Feb. 26 3:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.
Saturday Feb. 28 LCPS Building, Ashburn 10 a.m and 12:30 p.m.
Opportunities for Public Comment
The Board of Supervisors will hold three public hearings on the proposed FY 10 fiscal plan. The first is scheduled for Wednesday, February 25, 2009, beginning at 6:00 p.m. The second public hearing will begin at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 26, and will resume at 6:30 after a dinner break. The public hearings on February 25 and 26 will be held in the Board of Supervisors Meeting Room at the County Government Center, 1 Harrison Street, S.E., in Leesburg.
The third public hearing will be held on Saturday, February 28, at 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. at the Loudoun County Public Schools Administration Building, located at 21000 Education Court in Ashburn.
Anyone who wishes to speak at the public hearings may sign up in advance for one speaking slot, beginning Wednesday, February 11, by calling 703-777-0204. Residents may also provide their comments to the Board of Supervisors by e-mail at [email protected]; by calling the Citizen Comment Line, 703-777-0115; or by writing to the Board of Supervisors, P.O. Box 7000, Leesburg, VA 20177.
As pointed out by Barbara Munsey in the Loudoun Independent, the board is going into Budget worksessions 3 nights a week in March and will not have public input session due to that work schedule. Nows the time to speak up.
Yes, this is the same gentleman that embraced many of my positions in back in August as a way to increase available funds for more essential things (like education).
For the record, I have been publicly critical of trips to Europe and Communist Countries by Scott York and to Germany by Lori Waters and Scott York, respectively.
This article has been commented on by various blogsites in the region. It details how quote Loudoun County Superintendent Edgar B. Hatrick III spent 49 weekdays from July 2007 through June 2008 traveling the nation and the world in pursuit of reinvigoration and professional growth. He visited Hartford, Conn., and Minneapolis in summer; Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Rome and Madrid in fall; Tampa in winter; and Los Angeles again and Beijing in spring. unquote.
D.C. Area Schools Chiefs' Perk That Refreshes: Travel
The Sterling Playmakers present Puss In Boots at Sterling Middle School Friday Feb. 27, Saturdays, Feb. 28, March 7 and Sundays March 1 and 8. Call 703-437-6117 or visit to buy a ticket for $7.