State Of Emergency Declared
Last night's meeting was a tremendous success. 1457 students, administrators and teachers and parents arrived today to see last night's large signs greeting them.
Last night 200 citizens were "greeted" by large orange signs "Welcome Drug Enforcement Agency", "Welcome U.S. Postal Inspectors", "Welcome Virginia State Police".
Last night 200 citizens warmly welcomed federal state and local agents who made pledges or re-newed public committments to combat the crime in Sterling as many of you have requested. Congressman Frank Wolf thanked everyone in the audience and all of Sterling for demonstrating again and again their own volunteer response.
Reporters and video cameras recorded the event. County treasurer Roger Zurn, a former Sterling Supervisor, explained his program to collect taxes from scofflaws who flout the requirement to pay county decals and county commissioner of revenue explained his new Tax Dodger program to investigage any enterprise suspected of not paying taxes. Commonwealth attorney Jim Plowman was introduced.
Thank you to the many members of the public who braved the cold. Park View High School administrative staff prepared a special welcome for each of us. Thank you to the school system for their extremely generous contribution of the auditorium and their hospitality was memorable and unique.
To the news media, thank you for the many plus and mentions starting in the first week of December by the Independent newspaper, on radio, tv news and many newspapers several times.
Loudoun County Kirby Bowers met with my fellow Northern Virginia County Administrators yesterday along with representatives from State and local emergency management and public safety agencies to discuss preparations for the upcoming inaugural event.It was stated that the region has been working closely together to adequately prepare for and pre-position ourselves to, as best Loudoun can, prevent or effectively respond to emergency situations that may occur during the upcoming inaugural period.
Loudoun County will have law enforcement and fire and rescue pre-positioned in D.C. and elsewhere for the inauguration.
To position Loudoun County to best receive Federal and state resources and reimbursement and operate in a seamless manner, it was decided that all counties and cities in the Northern Virginia region declare a state of emergency from January 17th to the 21st.
Per State Code, Loudoun County Administrator Kirby Bowers has made a declaration of emergency for Loudoun County for this time frame: January 17 to January 21. The Board of Supervisors will need to ratify this action at your next business meeting which is Wednesday Jan. 21.