Drug Enforcement Agents Lead Roster For Jan. 15 Briefing
100 Citizens Expected
This was released last week to the news media.
Speakers have been confirmed for Sterling Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio's Community Meeting on crime on Thursday, January 15, at Park View H.S. at 6:30 p.m.
This meeting is another in a series addressing comprehensive crime prevention and response in Sterling, Virginia. Speakers from US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the US Postal Inspection Service, the Virginia State Police, and other local authorities have agreed to attend.
Last Fall Supervisor Delgaudio hosted the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Loudoun Gang unit among several information sessions.
The meeting for January 15 will be held at 6:30 PM in Park View High School's auditorium. Park View High School is located at 400 W. Laurel Avenue Sterling, Virginia 20164. The auditorium was filled for an emergency meeting held in September.
Speakers will brief citizens for fifteen minutes on what the agency is doing to prevent and prosecute drug-related crimes or other violations of federal crimes. Supervisor Delgaudio is asking speakers to tell the people of Sterling how they can help them with that mission. There will be a question and answer time after most of the speakers' presentations. At least one speaker must leave for another appointment.
County deputies will respectively explain the construction progress of the Sheriff's substation, progress on auxiliary deputies signing up, and the 15 new neighborhood watches in Sterling. County Treasurer Roger Zurn will provide information on Project Fairness which enforces the collection of fees for county decals from new arrivals in Loudoun County. Commissioner Bob Wertz will host a table describing some of his offices' services.
Delgaudio estimates a minimum of one hundred people in attendance. Invitations and email alerts have gone out for the Jan. 15 meeting.
Speakers at the January 15 meeting include Congressman Frank Wolf, Agent Walter Morrison of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, Inspector Jeanne Graupmann of the U.S. Postal Inspections Service and Supervisor Paul Picon of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Lt. Eric Reiley of the Virginia State police, Dep. Jason Leydig (auxiliary police program), Dep. James Spurlock (neighborhood watch), and Capt. Ricky Frye (commander for Sterling Sheriff Substation).
End of statement sent out. I will return to writing more news later.