Eugene Delgaudio - Sterling District
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Responding To Crime

September 30, 2008

Thunderstorm In Sterling Tonight


Last week's community meeting was attended by over 600 good citizens. That was quite a turnout. Thank you to those of you who came out.


There is a lot to work to do here in Sterling. And the county and the Sheriff have a lot of work to do also.

I have told members of the news media my plan in interviews and here are some of my ideas.

Clean up and expel the obvious lawless element that is in every neighborhood and blights our community. Illegal aliens have no stake in preserving the tranquility of our Sterling community and care even less about our country.

Along with zoning enforcement being restored, we need a reversal of policies that welcome illegal aliens.

The Sheriff needs to have a stronger and proactive role in reversing the crime wave. I applaud the unannounced traffic stops in Sterling and throughout Eastern Loudoun. The people of Sterling overwhelmingly support these actions by deputies.

Sterling citizens are responding by forming neighborhood watches. 20 citizens raised their hand to volunteer for the auxiliary police expansion I called for last week. The county needs 100 new auxiliary police officers helping with traffic.

The Gang Unit needs to be in Sterling to brief more citizens and Home Owners Associations and they are doing that a dozen times this month.

The Sheriff needs to reach out and fill those 38 vacancies for deputies now. And we need to refer capable men and women to those 38 vacancies.

Actual and genuine Zoning enforcement, reverse the welcome of illegal aliens, gang awareness, pro-active presence of deputies, expansion of neighborhood watch to one dozen active watches in the next 30 days, and filling all vacant full time deputy positions.

Along with the passing of new laws to forbid the parking of cars on front lawns and other quality of life ideas that I am promoting at every meeting, this is a start.

If Sterling Americans sign up for neighborhood watches, joining the auxiliary, filing zoning complaints and IF the board of supervisors reverses its wrongful pro-illegal alien polices, and IF the sheriff cooperates by continuing to be MORE proactive and preventing crime before it gets out of hand, we have a chance.

The board of supervisors have heard it over and over again. Efforts are appreciated. Results are preferred.


You absolutely positively must attend Sterlingfest, Saturday, October 11, I will be there and you must be there. It is mandatory for all Sterling citizens to celebrate the new trees, the news that the burned down playground AND gazebo will be rebuilt, the stalker turned himself in,

A NEW Sheriff's substation and PEPES RESTRAUANT, scene of several incidents, IS CLOSED FOREVER.

Plenty to celebrate. And sign up for the upcoming meetings.

The event has many sponsors and starts with the Knights at 9 a.m with their parade. The Fest starts downtown at 10 a.m. after the parade and goes to 3 p.m. I always wear my orange hat.


>>> Wednesday October 1

The people who state that they want to restore the quality of life to Sterling but that many citizens do not trust anymore are having an "open house" Wednesday October 1 at the Senior Center.

The planning department supposedly drafts "planning" and zoning ordinances. There is a lot of investigation and some enforcement and there is compliance under existing law. But the glaring loopholes have become public information with the most glaring loophole being a 7 day notice to overcrowding cases of a return inspection.

This results in "full compliance" on the 2nd visit in most cases. This does NOT mean an overcrowded house has been eliminated. It just means that the county can not prove, under existing procedures, laws or ordinances --- OR ALL THREE-- THAT a case of overcrowding exists.

Can planners provide a solution to this? I will ask. You can also ask, at the open house and tell me.

There will be an "open house" for planning at the Sterling Senior Center next to the Eastern Loudoun Library.

Please consider attending the Potomac-Sterling Community Outreach Drop-In/Open House on Wednesday, October 1, 2008 at 6:00 PM at the Cascades Senior Center-Sterling at 21060 Whitfield Place, Sterling, Virginia.

Enjoy the cookies. You pay for them.


I have set the following meetings. I attended several community meetings last week, and these meetings are called for in response to citizens expressed requests.

When: Oct. 18 Saturday 2 to 4 p.m.
What and Where:Neighborhood watch, auxiliary coordinator Sterling Community Center GYM

The Neighborhood watch coordinator will explain what it takes to form a watch and we will hear from several current groups working and also hear questions from citizens interested in forming a neighborhood watch. Our goal is a dozen functioning watches in Sterling.

Sterling has 100s of citizens actively enforcing the zoning laws. Zoning must be enforced and I will continue to fight for that. Neighborhood watches will be liaison with the deputies for crime fighting.

The Sheriff's Auxiliary coordinator explains what that volunteer unit does and how to make applications. I have met several auxiliaries working over the years and they make a difference. I hope you can help.

100 chairs so get there early.

When: October 22 Wednesday 7 p.m. to 9
What: GRIT and Gang Unit
where Sterling Community Center in the GYM

These two groups gives a in depth briefing on gang activity and how the county responds to the problem and can guide you on what to look for and how to respond in each case. Good introduction to responding to gang related crime.

>>>Can Not Make Oct. 18 or Oct 22 in Sterling?

There are several meetings in the Sterling area to fight crime and to organize neighborhood watches in Sterling.

The Loudoun County Sheriff's Office Crime Prevention Unit is promoting the agencies crime prevention programs such as Neighborhood Watch. Currently there are 49 active neighborhood watch programs throughout the county.

They will have briefings in South Riding on Thursday October 16, 2008 at 7 p.m. at the Dulles South Public Safety Center, and in Cascades at the Cascades Eastern Loudoun Library on Monday October 20, 2008 at 7 p.m.

>>>Delgaudio Proposes Expansion of Auxiliary

Legislation is proposed to the board of supervisors to direct county staff to work with the Sheriff to expand the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Auxiliary and to work to promote the program by providing more information online to the public.

I announced this proposal to the sheriff at last week's community meeting. Fairfax county has over 100 auxiliary volunteers. Loudoun has 19 at the moment.

>>>Simpson Obtains $474,070 from ICE

The U.S. Department of Justice announced the award of $474,070.00 to Loudoun County, VA, to reimburse some of the costs of incarcerating undocumented criminal aliens who have committed serious crimes in the United States. The goal of this program is to enhance public safety in communities throughout the nation.

This reimbursement seems to be based on the 70 to 100 illegal aliens detained by Loudoun over the last 18 months.

I believe there would be more savings in decreased uses of county services if Loudoun County were to match Prince William County efforts in which PW expelled 1000 illegal aliens in last 18 months. Tiny little Herndon (population 22,000) expelled 100 illlegal aliens in last 18 months. As much as Loudoun (pop. 270,000).
>>> Ban Cars On Front Lawns Too.

Your emails are needed to [email protected] to give your opinion at the upcoming Oct. 14 Public Hearing on your positions on banning large commercial vehicles parking in Sterling's residential areas and banning the parking of cars on front lawns.

That's Tuesday, Oct. 14th-- 6:30 PM Board of Supervisors Public Hearing - Board Room. Email messages are preferred but if you can, go to the public hearing to testify and give your opinion.

Some of you have written with ideas, lots of ideas. I am working on them. This is just a beginning of the response to the crime wave. Thank you for having faith in me and supporting my voice in calling for a change in the way things are at the moment. I am honored to serve you.

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