Eugene Delgaudio - Sterling District
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Schools Back Off

December 7, 2004


>>>>Loudoun schools back off gay program after Delgaudio challenge

Pro-homosexual teaching lessons often seen in other
schools' social programs have been dropped from Loudoun County's
"anti-bullying" program, says Sterling District Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio.

"Thanks to the public attention, the kind of
pro-homosexual propaganda slipped into other schools'
curricula will not be coming to Loudoun," said
Delgaudio. "Schools will tell you they weren't
planning on indoctrinating kids with liberal
propaganda, but it eventually happens virtually every

A take-home survey to parents intended to shape the
curriculum attracted Delgaudio's attention when it
included lessons on "sexual orientation" as an option.

Delgaudio contacted Sterling District's school board
member, Warren Geurin, in October to see if the kind
of pro- homosexual propaganda seen in other schools
would be imported to Loudoun.

After Delgaudio's letter drew media attention to the
program, LCPS Assistant Superintendent Douglas Holmes
responded in a memo to Superintendent Edgar Hatrick in which he announced
such instruction had been dropped.

"Bullying programs and other 'social awareness'
programs are breeding grounds for radical liberal
propaganda like that generated by the homosexual
lobby," said Delgaudio,

"By blowing the whistle early, school officials now
cannot expose our children to radical propaganda
designed to churn out liberal political opinions,
rather than teach life skills."

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