I checked the new finished resurfacing of Cabin Branch Road and have been inspecting the work done by grass cutting crews at 40 houses.
In some cases, I see the grass just piled up or in bags or just left there for pick up later. This involves different crews. The private crews are sometimes rushed. Afterall they are trying to beat the county contracted firm before it gets there. Thanks to the many volunteers and to everyone (realtors, brokers, banks) who are working in the very hot weather to get all the grass cut.
There are more houses that were reported later in the complaint process, and the county is now attending to them.
There are 50 more houses being checked starting Friday and this week. That's 50 more houses reported by you and being either inspected or cut. I am reporting new incidents as some of you check in with me.
Please help out some more by keeping an eye on the "high grass" (now cut) houses. I have picked up various things and straightened out some yards.
The Loudoun County Board of Supervisors will hold a special meeting in the auditorium (NOT THE CAFETERIA) from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 22, 2008, at Park View High School, 400 West Laurel Avenue in Sterling, as part of the Sterling Community Outreach Project.
I have permission to stay until 10:30 p.m. if you wish to talk to me or give me additional comments or errands to run. Supervisors must be at another meeting on Tuesday morning at 9 a.m.
>>>Speaker sign-up begins at 6:00 p.m.
The event begins at 6:30 p.m. but sign up for speaking starts at 6 p.m. I recommend getting there early to get signed up as a speaker. There will be a limit due to the cut off at 9 p.m.
A "Preliminary Results Report" that includes a broad review and summary of the input received and the ideas and solutions offered by Sterling Americans has been completed and can be viewed at
this no longer works, the page moved
This is the new page for Sterling District Outreach
Click on
Preliminary Results Report (adobe reader)
This report will be presented to the Board of Supervisors at a special meeting from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 22, 2008, at Park View High School, 400 West Laurel Avenue in Sterling, as part of the Potomac/Sterling Community Outreach Project. Following the presentation by Planning Department staff, the Board will open the floor for public comment. Speaker sign-up begins at 6:00 p.m.
Your comments (AGAIN) by email to this email [email protected] if you can not attend.
Your coments will be included in the "final report to the Board" in the fall. This information will be used as a framework for the development of a number of action-oriented recommendations that will be included in the report. So you need to tell them again according to that request.
I do not make this up. The county board voted to reach out in January 2008. The county hosted 300 citizens in Mid-May 2008. The county is now reporting back in late July 2008 what 300 of you said nearly 300 TIMES. Then there will be a final report with "action recommendations" in the fall.
During this process, I have been sponsoring and supporting other actions-- ( the board of supervisors has passed, or is considering a dozen new legislative ideas) ---and I welcome the Sheriff's response with sobriety checkpoints, signing up with 287 G and helping with helping to craft some of the legislation that will grant him more or new enforcement powers.
TUESDAY NIGHT and every day, you -- the citizens -- are the boss. 300 of you took action and made the trip. Now, if you can, you must come out again and repeat a shorter quicker comment like you did in mid-May 2008.
>>>Speaker sign-up begins at 6:00 p.m.
The event Tuesday begins at 6:30 p.m. but sign up for speaking starts at 6 p.m. I recommend getting there early to get signed up as a speaker. There will be a limit due to the cut off at 9 p.m.
As 3 reporters ask questions in a live broadcast radio show, I respond with the full story about what is going on in Sterling.
NOW GET ALL 15 MINUTES with one click. The famous DELGAUDIO on National Public Radio program heard by millions.
PARTIAL DIRECT QUOTE "The Board of Supervisors has opened up the floodgates."
"Unsolved murder in Sterling Park."
"If we can put a dent in the wanton murder of innocents, no matter what their nationality thats my job as a supervisor"
Regarding Quality of life
The host says "Is this urbanization of a largly agriculatural Loudoun? Are you afraid of losing the (rural) character of Loudoun?
Response: (in part)This is a life as we know it issue. I had been in Fairfax since 1981 I am from NYC and I am used to high density....This is not what's going on in Sterling Park. This is not urbanization.
(this is the quote frequently misquoted-- I am referring to the attackers and despoilers of Sterling)
"This is a cesspool," Delgaudio said. "People are coming from outside of this culture, and they are dumping their crap on the streets of our town, and our town is outraged that they don’t get with the program."
"We do not care what language they speak. Sterling Park is highly diverse. Every country is represented in Sterling Park and that does not mean you treat it like a garbage dump."
AND MUCH MUCH MORE IN ONE INTERVIEW. This is the interview heard by many Sterling Americans and told the truth of our current situation and we must continue to speak forcefully.
Like the checkpoint one week ago, the Sheriff has held another checkpoint. Thank you Sheriff Simpson.
The Loudoun Sheriff’s Office is continuing its crackdown on unlicensed drivers in the county. This past Wednesday the agency conducted a driver’s license checkpoint on Church Road between Aspen Road and York Road in Sterling. The location for the checkpoint was selected after deputies patrolling these areas came across a number of unlicensed drivers during daily traffic stops.
107 illegal aliens were deported in 2007 in Loudoun County. Compare that to Prince William County which deported 393 last year in the first six months of their ICE program, Prince William County deported 700 this year as of June 20 and will deport approximately 1400 illegal aliens this year.
Loudoun has a different program. We are only processing illegal alien criminals. But over in Prince William crime has dropped big time. I hope this new program makes a dent in the illegal alien criminal population in Loudoun. I hope to keep an eye on it with your help.
The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office released to the public the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for the 287(g) Immigration and Nationality Act with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Assistant Secretary of ICE Julie Myers officially signed the agreement on June 25, 2008 and an official copy was received by Loudoun Sheriff Steve Simpson on Thursday. To view the document in its entirety please go to www.loudoun.gov/sheriff and click on LCSO Memorandum of Agreement with ICE.
This should bring you to the actual Ice Agreement
This statement was sent as a letter to the editor from Helena Syska, longtime community leader and my appointee to the planning commission:
Helena says Quote "Delgaudio understands that the crime rate has surged with the influx of illegal immigrants. "
Syska continues "He is willing to speak up for the truth and to fight for change while others pussyfoot around the underlying causes to the serious issues of safety and security we are seeing not only in Sterling but elsewhere in our County, the nation, and around the world."
".. We and Mr. Delgaudio have been on opposite sides of the political fence for a long time. (Regarding the invasion of illegal aliens), we decided to stay and fight for our quality of life. When we looked around for high-level allies, we found only one who was willing to take a forward place in the battleline: Mr. Delgaudio." Published letter in the Independent signed by Kenneth and Carolyn Rop. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Rop.
>>>Speaker sign-up begins at 6:00 p.m.
The event Tuesday begins at 6:30 p.m. but sign up for speaking starts at 6 p.m. I recommend getting there early to get signed up as a speaker. There will be a limit due to the cut off at 9 p.m.