Eugene Delgaudio - Sterling District
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Loudoun's Newspaper Lady, Beth Miller

November 18, 2004

"A voice for the people of the east in this county." ---- Amy Burns, daughter

>>>>Loudoun's Newspaper Lady, Beth Miller

Today, Loudoun's newspaper lady, Elizabeth "Beth" Miller, was laid to rest in Sterling Cemetery. Rev. Charles Grant, the former supervisor, prayed at the service and at the burial. Earlier, the Galilee United Methodist church was filled with family and friends. Family members, Congressman Frank Wolf and a dozen elected and former elected officials gave spirited testimony to the lives she influenced and the society that she changed, for the better.

I spoke and thanked the family for sharing Beth with our community. Through her work with the Easterner newspaper, she improved the living standard and helped thousands of citizens.

And now her work was finished and she, Beth, would expect them, and all of us, to accept the challenge to follow her example of leadership and public service.

Mrs. Miller raised a family, published the weekly Easterner newspaper, and helped to transform the Loudoun Hospital. Her spirit will live on in every good deed and public service that we do in the fearless manner in which she lived her own life.

We owe it her to continue the improvements she worked for.

Memorials may be made in her name to Loudoun Healthcare Foundation Cancer Programs, P.O. Box 1913 Leesburg, Va. 20175.

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>>>LINK THIS SATURDAY >>>NOVEMBER 20, 2004 >>>8 A.M. to 5 p.m.

Can you meet me for an hour on Saturday? I will go and spend some time helping out. Volunteers are welcome.

LINK, an all-volunteer, non-profit organization since 1972, respectfully requests donations of non-perishable food items, $10-$25 grocery store gift certificates, clean used coats and new toys and gifts for children of all ages to be provided to needy families in the Herndon, Sterling and Ashburn areas. An estimated 800 families (3,500 people) are projected to receive Holiday Baskets during the Thanksgiving and Christmas events this year. LINK will be operating at maximum capacity this holiday season.

LINK is celebrating its annual Thanksgiving Food Basket program on Saturday, 20 November. The Christmas Food Basket program will be held on 18 December. The events will take place from 8 AM through 5 PM at Christ the Redeemer Catholic in Sterling (groceries in November and December) and Sterling United Methodist in Sterling (winter coats in November) and Herndon United Methodist in Herndon (toys and gifts in December).

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