Eugene Delgaudio - Sterling District
Latest News


November 1, 2004

Many of you should have recieved a YELLOW POSTCARD from me today. Please
look for it. Thank you.


Remember polls are open 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. all day Tuesday, November 2nd.
Remind your neighbors to vote. We are all busy, so somebody might forget.

I will be at Forest Grove Elementary School in the morning and plan to be
at Sully Elementary School in the afternoon. I will try to take short
breaks throughout the day so as to miss as few of you as possible. Thank you.

Regarding Congressman Frank Wolf. He has worked hard to fight the gangs
and to save starving people all over the world. The Washington Post and the
Loudoun Easterner have said kind things about the man on their editorial
pages. He has been vigilant on transportation issues and his staff takes
their cue from him and are equally devoted to serve.

James Socas, Wolf's opponent, had to crawl all the way from San Francisco
to spew forth the lies and disinformation about Frank Wolf. You owe it to
yourself to send James Socas a "no" vote if it weren't as equally important
to encourage Frank Wolf with a "yes" vote to continued service.

On the Presidential race, John Kerry makes leftist zealot James Socas look
like a moderate. Kerry came home from Vietnam to indict and charge all
combat soldiers with atrocities on a grand scale. And for twenty years in
the Senate has been a twin of Ted Kennedy.

Get in early and vote Wolf, President Bush and Vice-president Dick Cheney.
Thank you.

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