Eugene Delgaudio - Sterling District
Latest News


October 8, 2004


Sterling's Eugene Delgaudio will be at Space # 24 at SterlingFest for Saturday, October 9th.

Sterlingfest is preceded by the Knights of Columbus Parade down Sterling Boulevard.

I hope to work the parade line from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. when the parade kicks off and then go over to spend two hours at Sterlingfest.

This is a great opportunity for us to show our Republican spirit and help our Bush/Cheney and Wolf Reelection Campaigns.

There is always a demand for posters, stickers and answers to questions, so please consider helping out for an hour. Let me know by saying "Yes I will assist you at Sterlingfest in the Morning, or Afternoon" at [email protected]. Thanks.

Usually my children, and I, work hard, but the crowds get bigger all the time. We usually meet hundreds, (people like my kids of course) but to get everyone to wear a sticker, we need help.

Space #24 is on Enterprise Street, across from the Sterling Community Center Playground. Help me set up as early as 8:30 am on the morning of the event. The event will go from -10:00 am to 4:00 p.m.

The Republican tent is never lonely but don't assume I can do this with just one or two volunteers. The same ten Democrats form a mob at their table.

Come and get your bumperstick, yard sign or literature. There will be plenty to take home if you wish.

There will also be a special arcade game "Knock The Liberals" that is being loaned to me from the Conservative Treasure Vault.

So please consider helping me hand out some BUSH QUAYLE OR WOLF YARD SIGNS and sign up supporters and affix lapel labels to promote the Republican cause from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Thank you. If you wish to volunteer from 12 to 4 p.m. please do that also, Michael Meader, Suzanne Volpe, Sheriff Simpson, Congressman Frank Wolf, Attorney General Jerry Kilgore, Delegate Tom Rust, Senator William Mims and Supervisor Mick Staton will be there in the afternoon. But they can't do this alone, so help me or them. LET ME KNOW EITHER WAY.

>>>LIBERALS ARE NOW BLAMING YOUR HOUSE FOR SHORTER LIFE >>>Is Suburbia Killing Us? In a column for the Knight-Ridder Tribune News Service, Conservative Samuel R. Staley writes, "Sprawl kills. That's the bumper sticker that could go with a new report on suburban-style housing development and its impact on public health. Living in the suburbs cuts four years off your life, according to a new RAND Institute study published in the academic journal Public Health. Unfortunately, the substance of the study, and others before it, doesn't live up to the hype. Sprawl critics make a leap that goes like this: People live in houses with garages. Because these houses sit on small open-air parks (yards), people are less inclined to walk to a transit stop and take a bus to work. So they climb in their cars and drive. Because they drive, they don't exercise. Since they don't exercise, they have more health problems, get sick and die sooner. Simply stated, it's your house's fault. Read the column at

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