Eugene Delgaudio - Sterling District
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Delgaudio Salutes Reagan

June 6, 2004

"America was founded by people who believe that God was their rock of
safety. I recognize we must be cautious in claiming that God is on our
side, but I think it's all right to keep asking if we're on His side
(President Ronald Reagan, January 25, 1984)

"Without God there is no virtue because there is no prompting of the
conscience....without God there is a coarsening of the society; whithout
God democracy will not and cannot long endure...If we ever forget that we
are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone under." (President
Ronald Reagan, Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast, Dallas, Texas)

Dear Sterling American,

Today is the anniversary of D-Day at Normandy.

Let's remember the great sacrifice of the soldiers who perished serving our
country on D-Day, by the thousands, sixty years ago.

Let's also mark the passing of Ronald Reagan, who served our country well
with his principles of conservatism and spectacular leadership. No
President has taken on Communism, the entire liberal Establishment and the
federal Government itself as Ronald Reagan did.

He shaped the way conservatives run for public office and proved
conservative philosophies to be popular and durable. The Reagan principles
still are.

Many supporters of former President Reagan will travel to the Capitol
Rotunda this week, on Wednesday and Thursday, when the former President
will lay in state so that we can say good bye to his earthly form. Sheila
and my family will be there, too.

Most everyone I speak to has their favorite Reagan story or remembrance.

I have some experiences due to a devotion to Reagan and his principles,
similar to many other "Reaganites" who worked for Reagan.

Ronald Reagan brought many Americans together and he also brought my wife
and me together back in 1982. Sheila worked in the Reagan White House and I
worked for the Reagan policies prior to his election and during his 8 years.

I first became a supporter of Ronald Reagan in 1972, as part of draft
Reagan group and then in 1976 as national chairman of College Students for
Reagan, traveling to 7 states.

At the same time, in 1976, I took on another major Reagan-related
responsibility, working also with Ronald Reagan's traveling party on a
daily basis as he attempted to win the nomination against then President
Gerald Ford. Reagan and his team counted on me and I never let them down.

During the Reagan years, I was involved in every major political battle.
When Reagan arrived at the 1988 Republican national convention, at the end
of his two four year terms, America was not ready to let him retire. I led
the almost successful attempt to nominate him for Vice-President under the
first George Bush.


Reagan's passing reminded me how much America loved him.

The draft Reagan for Vice-president was launched by surprise and for 72
hours dominated the 1988 convention headlines.

The delegates were overwhelmingly and most publicly in support of Reagan
being nominated.

At every event and in every corner of the convetion, delegates hoisted
signs DRAFT REAGAN or held a pre-printed signs by the thousands "REAGAN FOR
VP 1988".

Only the announcement of Dan Quayle early Tuesday morning stopped the
formal roll call that would have nominated both Bush, as President and
Reagan, as Vice-president.


Here are some links to current stories on Ronald Reagan and a link to the
official Reagan website.

Reagan to Receive State Funeral, America Mourns (Schedule)|top|06-06-2004::13:47|reuters.html

Reagan Remembered As Infectious Optimist

Quote of former President George H.W. Bush on Reagan "I was in awe of him"

Kerry Suspends Campaigning

On the Net: Reagan Library official Web site:

Do you have a favorite quote,joke, meeting with Reagan, speech or policy
that you would like for me to pass on?

Send it to me at [email protected] and I will send it out and post
it at


One more story. I was named in 2001 as an elected official who follows the
Reagan principles. I do not take it for granted.

On February 13, 2001 I received the First Annual Ronald Reagan Award for
Courage from the Conservative Forum of Northern Virginia. Here's what I
wrote Sterling subscribers then:

(quote) "....There were 150 supporters crammed into a nearby hotel. There
were many elected officials from around the region. And there were members
of the news media present.....

National C-SPAN TV Channel 3 has broadcast twice the Sunday Conservative
Forum dinner featuring a keynote by former Attorney General Ed Meese, my
acceptance speech, and Delegate Richard Black's riveting speech......

I stressed in my acceptance speech that I will never forget who put me in
as Supervisor and who can take me out. Voters fed up with the high cost of
reckless spending and high taxes. Voters fed up with elected officials who
they never hear from. Voters fed up with liberal politicians who believe
there is no government program that they can say "no" to......

It is an honor to have my remarks broadcast to a national audience. My
remarks are possible because of your own continued commitment to sound
principles and open government." (unquote)

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