Eugene Delgaudio - Sterling District
Latest News

Happy Memorial Day

May 27, 2004

See the P.S. for the Sterling Trivia Question:

Dear Sterling American,

Happy Memorial Day to you and your family. The VFW and the American Legion are hosting a
ceremony at 11 A.M. on Monday May 31, at Veterans Plaza at Sterling Blvd. and Holly Avenue.

Delegates Dick Black and Tom Rust and I will be there and retired Marine Lt. Gerald Merna
will speak.

At the conclusion, I hope there will be a 21 gun salute to the men and women who have
fallen. And then taps on a bugle. There usually is. I always stay afterwards and will be available if you wish to
talk to me.


Cicadas are everywhere and their "music" is quite a lot of fun. Welcome to the newcomers. Be careful driving as they do distract you if they land on the window or get inside. I wonder if the Piedmont Environmental Council allows them in Middleburg.

>>>>Sterling Boulevard Gets a New Water Main
>>>>Briefing next week

In 2005, the Loudoun County Sanitation Authority (LCSA) will begin a five-year, $7 million
project to replace the 40-year-old water main that runs the length of Sterling Boulevard,
which is approximately four miles. In addition to its age, the 12 to 16-inch main is now
undersized to provide adequate service to the Sterling area. Replacing this main will
improve the transmission of water through Sterling and increase our water system's

The LCSA has announced that there will be a special briefing to explain the scope of this
project on Wednesday, June 2, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Quinn Room of the Sterling
Library on Enterprise Street. I will be there if you have questions for me.

If you have questions, call me at 703-421-4599 or ask S. Villegas at 703-771-1095 at LCSA.

What:Sterling Blvd. Water main Replacement Project Information Meeting

When:Wednesday, June 2, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Where:Quinn Room, Sterling Library, 120 Enterprise Street, Sterling

>>>>>>New Anti-Crowding Codes

The Land Use of the Board of Supervisors voted 3 to 0 to send new building code regulations
to the full board and the proposal is to have a public hearing on the new regulations at
the July 13 Public Hearing in Leesburg at 6:30 p.m.

These regulations limit the number of people per square foot in residential structures and
are available at the website as part of the legislative package for the May 19
Land Use Meeting (item 2),part of the legislative package for the June 2 board meeting
(posted as item 9 C) and will be posted in two weeks for the July 13 public hearing.

For several years, I have worked for community support and team work on a range of new laws
dealing with parking and crowding. This new Building Code will attempt to address another
component of the problems we are facing in Loudoun and I ask for your support in the form
of letters, comment or feedback. Send letters to me for testimony at [email protected] or write all nine of the supervisors at [email protected]

Article posted today- online discussing Over-Crowding in Loudoun

DELGAUDIO Seeks Limits On Crowded Housing
Leesburg Today - Leesburg,VA,USA
... For Loudoun Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio (R-Sterling), who most recently raised the
issue in Loudoun during the board's Land Use Committee meeting, it's all (about crowding,
safety, health, and crime-- eugene note) ...

>>>>Rep. Wolf And Delgaudio Meet To Oppose Gangs

I meet with Congressman Wolf whenever I can. He has been a model for me as a public servant
since he was first elected.

Congressman Wolf was first elected in 1980 after running 2 other times in 1976 and 1978.
He's been in office for 24 years.

Since 1981, I have worked with many Members of Congress. Frank Wolf stands out.

Over the past 18 months Frank Wolf has patiently promoted the Federal Bureau of
Investigation coming into the tenth district as an added resource to tackle the gang
problem. I have supported it. Wolf's work, and your positive response, has resulted in more
help being announced last week.

And you need to keep up the support because now Gov. Mark Warner and Attorney General
Kilgore are assisting with additional prosecutors and funding too, which they announced
this week.

>>>Delgaudio Supports, Attends News Conference
>>>$500,000 From Justice Department Available Immediately

Last week, I went to Fairfax to support Rep. Frank Wolf (R-10) as he announced another
$500,000 in federal funding is being made available to help stem the growing level of gang
violence in northern Virginia, bringing to more than $2.6 million the amount of federal
dollars made available to the region in the last 18 months.

Congressman Wolf said the new money will be divided between the 10th District Gang Task
Force and the Northwest Virginia Regional Drug Task Force.

In addition to securing funding for the task forces in northern Virginia and the Valley,
Wolf had $500,000 included in the FY 2004 omnibus bill to help fund the statewide gang task
force created by Virginia Attorney General Jerry Kilgore.

"Money alone will not solve this problem," Wolf said. "This effort requires the continued
hard work and dedication of law enforcement, but all of us."


Congressman Wolf suggested to me that FBI agents could set up a special briefing with all
the local elected officials (Sheriff, Commonwealth Attorney, BOS and School Bd.). I
welcomed that suggestion and agreed to work to make that happen. A time and date will be
announced soon. A public briefing is being considered as well but not in the same time

>>>>Sterling Honor Students Get $7500 From Jerrys Pizza

Jerry's Subs and Pizza has awarded $15 in free pizza to 46 A Honor Students at Park View
High School, 362 Sterling Middle School Honor Roll Students and about 100 other private
and home schooling students in Sterling.

The gift booklets are good at Jerry's Subs and Pizza in Sterling Park at 22330 Sterling
Blvd. (Phone 703-450-5401) and also Old Ashburn at 20630 Ashburn Road. Thank you to Jerry's
Subs and Pizza and Manager Chris Markwood.

This brings to over $32,000 the amount of special awards extended to honor students on the
A and B Honor Rolls, along with a letter of commendation from Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio
as part of the quarterly recognition from community businesses to encourage students'
academic performance.

There are five hundred students A and B honor roll students at Park View High School and
362 A and B honor roll students at Sterling Middle School who have received $8,000 in free
passes to Sterling's Ultra Zone Lazer Tag donated by Ultra Zone, $8,000 in free passes and
free skate rentals to the Ashburn Ice House, donated by Ashburn Ice House; $7,500 in free
chicken sandwiches certificates from Sterling Chick Filet, donated by Chick Filet
Restaurant (Sugarland Crossing), $250 in gift certificates from Pacific Restaurant, and
$1500 in free video rentals from Blockbuster Video.

THANK YOU to the generous Sterling companies participating in this program. Parents,
teachers, administrators and all the people of Sterling appreciate this support. I hope we
can obtain more participation on the part of area stores and we are open to proposals for
new sponsors.

>>>>Rev. Charlie Grant Honored

A Special Board of Supervisors Resolution of Appreciation has been introduced honoring
former Supervisor Charlie Grant for his 12 years of service on the Virginia Regional
Transit Association, his unprecedented 8 years as its president, and his many other
contributions. It will be voted on this coming Tuesday at the regular meeting at exactly
9:35 a.m. and it should pass unanimously. It will then be presented to the Rev. Grant.

>>>>>Bos Meeting and Hearings

The board meets Tuesday 9:30 a.m. June 2, public comment is open after the Grant Resolution
is voted upon and presented, then the Finance committee meeting 15 minutes afterwards and a
special briefing on solid waste management at 7 p.m. in the board room. The next public
hearing will be Tuesday, June 8 at 6:30 p.m. Public comment is the first half hour.

>>>>>>>>Eugene In The News
>>>>>>>>On Line News Accounts Of Service to the Taxpayer

I recently called the new money coming from Richmond "tainted" because it was the result of
a tax increase passed over the objections of Delegates Richard Black and Bob Marshall and
was actively opposed by Senator Ken Cuccinelli. I announced my opposition and asked for
support to either return all the money to the general fund or to return $3 million to the
general fund. This would have lowered your tax rate by either 2 cents or one penny on the
current tax rate.

"DELGAUDIO's (Attempt to Save You Money) Thwarted"
Leesburg Today Newspaper- Leesburg,VA,USA
... Chairman Scott K. York (I-At large) proposed the motion to allocate
the additional state funds to the school system, but Supervisor Eugene
Delgaudio (R-Sterling)... ...

>>>>>Award Presented To Eugene

The Citizens for Property Rights bestowed a singular honor on me at their annual meeting.
They presented a large and genuinely heavy plaque naming me the year 2000 Col. John
Singlton Mosby Award recipient. There were tears in my eyes as I accepted the honor on
Monday, May 10.

Jim Clark and Jack Shockey handed me the honor in front a hall at Patrick Henry College. I
had been named but never presented a plaque so they have now given me what only the most
devoted property rights leaders of Loudoun County have received.

Some of the most wonderful moments in local political history have taken place under the
auspices of the Citizens for Property Rights. Even the assembled and multi-million dollar
Leftwing political street theatre machine headquartered in Middleburg could not match or
overcome the simple but pure Shakespearean sincerity of the small band of property rights
enthusiasts as they presented their case in the political, public, policy-making and legal
forums of Loudoun County.

CPR took out full page ads, wore pajamas at dawn, built snowmen holding signs in a
blizzard, gave bottles of soap, wore safari outfits, held signs, drove tractors and plows
into Leesburg, handed out large buckets, hosted Santa Claus in July and presented a ton of
black coal to the Board.

The CPR has single handily resuscitated a dead political landscape in which total control
of the government was in the hands of extremists who worship the dark sky, value trees over
human beings and use taxpayer money on a grand scale to pay their contributors to keep
their estates under the ownership of....the contributors.

>>>>Eugene's Commencement Address Saturday

The Leesburg Christian School has asked me to give their Commencement address on Saturday,
May 29 at 11 a.m. at the campus at 21336 Evergreen Mills Road. The topic is How to Stay a
Strong Christian in the World. Please pray that I say the right words and properly inspire
young men and women as they graduate from high school.

>>>>>Request for Money
>>>>>Re-elect Eugene Delgaudio Up To you.

There are many requirements being in public office. If you want me to stay in public
office, my job as a candidate is to campaign. Some of the best programs to keep in touch
with voters must take place today or in the next few weeks and must be paid for with
campaign dollars. Newsletters, special promotions -- to be ordered now-- for Sterlingfest
(this October!), postage, and postcards for newly arrived voters, and news releases and
announcements for in-district events.

The budget for the next campaign is $250,000 and the cost of our next newsletter is $5,000
in June. Help me with my end of June financial report by donating $5000, $1000 or whatever
you can afford.

THE ADDRESS TO SEND CHECKS is Friends of Delgaudio, P.O. Box 1222 Sterling, Va. 20167.

Your check today will make my end of June 2004 report deadline and will assist me greatly.
Thank you.


1. ) The Gelman Company responded to requests and repaired the roads in his Sterling Park
Plaza shopping center from the Spring thaw. These were giant pot holes. And The Gelman
Company put up a curb by the McDonalds and planted grass in the once barren right of way by
Sterling Blvd. This prevents cars from blocking the road in front of the McDonalds.

2.) At the other end of Sterling, by the Christ the Redeemer Church, a six foot fence
blocking the line of sight for drivers at a car wash was reduced to a three foot fence so
that drivers could have their line of sight restored for safety.

3.) a new turn lane has been added to the intersection of Church Road and Holly road for
traffic turning onto Holly. VDOT had a range of miscelanious issues to resolve before doing
this change. Thank you for this progress.

4.) A giant pothole were repaired in front of the High Up Grocery Store by the Clock Tower
and a man-hole depression on the small overpass nearby (on Thomas Jefferson) was repaired
by Loudoun County Sanitation Authority at my request.

Report your pothole or road condition problem (sign down?) to me by email at
[email protected] or 703-421-4599. Thanks.

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