Eugene Delgaudio - Sterling District
Latest News

18-21 and 65+ FREE ADMISSION!

June 13, 2003

Convention Photos now online

The photos from the convention have now been posted. Endorsement photos, staff photos and, brace yourself, photos of my speech. You can almost hear The Speech.

The Board is meeting Monday and I have just learned that two Sterling Eagle Scouts will be present to receive their county citations.

The Republican Unity Celebration

The Republican Unity Celebration for Monday night is on FOR MONDAY.

CHAIRMAN candidate Bob Gordon will be there. And former Chairman candidate Larry Beerman will be there. Many other celebrities and personalities and just plain charming civic servants will be there.

Admission is free to seniors over 65 years of age, and any youth 18 years to 21 years old (this is your first election!)

I ask for a minimum donation of $15 per person or family (no limit to size of the family, unlike Sup. Chuck Harris's planned parenthood pronouncements about limiting families to five and charging families extra for more children in the school system).

When: Monday, June 16, 2003, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Where: (World Famous) Jimmy G's Restaurant, opposite Burlington Coat Factory on Leesburg Pike, Sterling Phone 703-450-4444.

What: Friends of Delgaudio Republican Unity Party

Who: All the Republican Nominees

If you can donate more than $15, I will happily appreciate larger donations.

I will introduce or announce all contributions of $250 and above (if you wish).

Please tell me if you want one meatball or two? or more. Phone 703-421-4599. Or hit reply. Meatballs are standing by and are prepared for you for the asking. (sandwiches and coke provided too, cash bar).

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