Eugene Delgaudio - Sterling District
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One Meatball, two meatball

June 9, 2003

I am writing again. I did begin tonight's e (for eugene) letter with a mention that I need money for my campaign.

But I sent it out with all the community happenings,parties and events without mentioning my own campaign event!

When: Monday, June 16, 2003, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Where: (World Famous) Jimmy G's Restaurant, opposite Burlington Coat Factory on Leesburg Pike, Sterling Phone 703-450-4444.
What: Friends of Delgaudio Republican Unity Party
Who: All the Republican Nominees

I do not hold monthly fundraising events. I have been holding them every 3 months. I have held weekly community meetings and attend regular civic, political or community events.

The sad news is that my opponent raised more money than I raised in the last reporting period. And the Washington Post is now reporting my campaign along with the countywide Chairman's race.

You know that is not good news when the liberal news media is targeting you.

Recently, many local contributors are being attracted to the big Senate or Delegate races all over (there are primaries around the area but not in Sterling) Northern Virginia.

My re-election campaign is at a critical point. I have mailed invites in the mail.

With just a few days to go, I need to know how many sandwiches and meatballs to order.

I have been voting against Tax increases and exposing boondoggles (like the latest one-- a Supervisors' Television Network, funded with your tax dollars!)

But I do not know how many sandwiches and meatballs to order.**

Each meatball I order means the difference between victory and defeat.

Can you please tell me one meatball or two?

I will throw in a sandwich prepared by Sterling's top sandwich maker. A world famous restaurant here for 30 years.

This critical fundraising event will help my re-election budget immensely. Please do not sit it out. That is what my opponent wants you to do. Sit it out. Take me for granted. And then it will be "former Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio".

I know you do not want that. Sure, it is up to the voters. But it sure will help the voters decide if I can have the money, in checks of $15, $25, $50 or more if you can, to over come the ten thousand dollar checks written by dozens of absentee Western Loudoun estate owners for my opponent.

Please tell me by reply mail to this e-letter. Or call me at 703-421-4599. Please tell me how many meatballs you need.

Or send a generous contribution by snail mail to Friends of Eugene Delgaudio c/o Post Office Box 1222 Sterling, Virginia 20164.

Thank you very much in advance for helping me. I appreciate it. My opponent is counting on you to not respond. I hope this next reporting period shows I can get back in the lead. I am counting on you to help me and responding to this plea for help.

Vision of Beauty, Sterling , USA

Sterling District is a state of mind. And those of you who live elsewhere, thank you for adopting me as your own Republican Supervisor.

Here is a url for the official map of the Sterling district online:

** The Meatball Rebellion was held here in Sterling to fight the meals tax in October 1998 and began the uphill campaign against the board of supervisors who were then pushing a referendum for a 4 per cent charge on all prepared food. I led the Meatball rebellion at That's Amore restaurant and the Meatball represents the fight against tyranny directed at Sterling by Leesburg.

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