Eugene Delgaudio - Sterling District
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Party, Briefing and Request

March 14, 2003

This message contains an invite to a free party (March 22), a briefing on anthrax (March 19) and a plea to help me build a Sterling Republican Party. See below.


Surveys concerning the intersection at Holly and Church Roads were delivered to hundreds of homes and results are being tabulated. I agree with with one longtime resident (since 1968) that said the following:

"The stop signs at the Church/Holly intersection cause:
(1) traffic backups that can last 5-10 minutes in a tenth of a mile jaunt,
(2) safety hazards when traffic backs up into the intersection of Church Road and Cascades Parkway - "

And most people writing in also agree that the intersection needs to be quickly fixed. I have spoken to many, met with many citizens and gotten e-mails and letters. I will continue to work with citizens on this and will inform everyone by e-mail and by printed letter (hand-delivered by me) once we get to the next stage which is reporting on what the final results of the survey are.

Delgaudio Declares GOP Loyalty

Unlike some Former Republicans and their allies in the Democratic Party, I will keep my pledge to you to fight for you, and our values, always. I will not cut and run.

200 Republican Volunteers, including the entire Sterling Delegation voted for a Convention process to nominate their candidates. So has the other major party, the Democratic Party.

Some who depart or abandon their principles only make clear they never agreed with REAL Republicans to begin with.

Your help is needed now to continue to stand for our Sterling values. And yes, our beloved Sterling needs your help, too. Sterling is under attack by those liberal interests who do not want you to have a voice in government.

Sterling must put its best citizens together and the county of Loudoun needs Sterling to show up strong.

Along with my own nomination as your Sterling Supervisor, The Republican Party County Convention will also nominate several other public offices (Chairman of the Board, Sheriff, etc.). I need you to be a Delegate.

I need you to be counted.

Whether you can be a Delegate or not, please also consider sending me your maximum financial support. Thank you.

Send the largest check or donation ($1000 or $1) to Friends of Delgaudio, P.O.Box 1222 Sterling, Va. 20167. Thank you.

As your Republican Supervisor, I have been asked to make sure we have a full Sterling delegation. Please help me do my job to have a full delegation.

It is FREE to sign up and attend the Republican Convention.

You must fill out a Delegate Filing Form (submit to Nominations Chairman Suzanne Volpe on March 23rd by 5:00 p.m.)

These documents are also available on the LCRC web site:

If you have problems downloading or opening these files, please let me know and I will deliver a copies to you ASAP.

OR you can bring it to the party. What Party?

Party For Friends of Delgaudio

Saturday, March 22, 6 to 8 p.m.

Please come to a DELGAUDIO DELEGATES PARTY 6 to 8 p.m. Lots of VIPs and Food. Saturday, March 22, 2003 at the Wallo House at 1604 Craig Street Sterling ( turn on Charlotte St. West, from Sterling Boulevard, turn right on Craig).

Free Admission. We can sign you up as a Delegate that night. You can bring a completed form (please!). You can eat some fine food and drink. You can (surely you can?) bring a check for $1000, $500, $250, $150, $$50, $25, $15 or $10 to contriubute to Friends of Delgaudio. PLEASE RSVP to Mrs. Wallo at 703-430-1553. Thanks.



Please consider immediately signing up as a Republican delegate or contributing money to the Re-election campaign, and also consider volunteering to do some additional work.

This is the kind of HELP that will make a difference.

Call your friends and family to become Republican delegates. Sign them up. Deliver their form to the Supervisor Delgaudio Delegates Party. And you can (sure you can, turn the television off now) make some phone calls or knock on some doors (take your pick).

Write me back and let me know that you can HELP do two hours of calling. Tonight. This morning. Okay, this weekend. But hurry. Your help is needed right away. Thanks.


There is a meeting of the board of supervisors on Monday, March 17 with public comment at 9 a.m. Some of the items on the agenda: the puchase of new cruisers for the Sheriff's Department, the approval of a zoning application for an 80,000 square foot Steeplechase Sportsplex for soccer in the Sterling area. Later, at 1:30 p.m., there will be a presentation on the Draft Solid Waste Management Plan which will include more regulations and fees for recyling.


Broad Run HS Wednesday, March 19 Some months ago, I requested the U.S. State Department to hold a public briefing on their efforts to clean up their Sterling facility. They have granted my request and I am grateful to them. Thank you to all on the staff and in the State Department and with Congressman Wolf for making this happen for my community.

The State Department has scheduled a public meeting on Wednesday, March 19, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. Broad Run High School to discuss their progress on cleaning up their mail handling facility in Sterling. The Health Department has been working closely with the State Department on this since an employee of that facility was hospitalized with anthrax in October 2001.

Officials from the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Loudoun County Health Department will discuss and answer questions about the history of the anthrax contamination and plans to decontaminate the facility. Information regarding Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide (VHP), which has been selected for use in fumigating the facility, will be provided. The Sterling Mail Facility is located at 44132 Mercure Circle, Sterling, VA.

Watch VDOT projects

This new website provides progress reports on road projects in this region:

Another WEB SITE? Sure Why Not.

Please visit another new website for a campaign for the Sugarland Run (Sterling, north of Leesburg Pike- Route 7) seat on the Board of Supervisors. Mick would be the first Republican Supervisor from Sugarland since Steve Whitener. The website is at

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