Eugene Delgaudio - Sterling District
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Snow Removal Report

February 18, 2003

The sun is high and bright. Strike with the plow and shovel before sundown. Most of you have been out there already, but don't underestimate the effects of frozen water or other weather conditions later today or tomorrow.

Many of you have reported driving around on icy surfaces but you are driving around. I am responding to requests.


Yes, there will be a budget hearing Thursday, Feb. 20 at 3 p.m. as scheduled. If this changes, I will tell you.


The VDOT and private snow removal services are working very hard in a very heavy snowfall. They have spent the first 24 to 48 hours removing snow from the primary (major) roads. They began the secondary roads late last night through today, Tuesday.

Route 7, Route 28 and all major roads are clear down to the pavement. Most secondary roads have been cleared once but 50 per cent of the snow remains on walking or driving surfaces.

This means one lane open on two lane secondary roads. This means most sidewalks being blocked. Less street and less sidewalk space means crowding on the open passageways.

All Foodstores are open if you can get there.

HELP your neighbors whenever you can. We are all in this together. Most of you are doing that already. Thank you all for doing what makes Sterling the center of all things great.

Here are some important local reports from neighbors and government and political leaders working in the snow.

"Church Road is clear down to the pavement"

"Eugene: No sooner I sent an email to you, our street was cleared - the guy did a nice job too considering all of the snow!!...> thanks, Joe D. " (Garrett Place off of Quarterpath Trace)

"Eugene: Some piece of heavy machinery has just made its way onto the road, so I suspect the road will be as plowed as its going to get in about 20-30 min. Thanks Doug" (Coffee Tree CT -off of Juniper)

"Supervisor Delgaudio: Our street is so high with snow that even four wheel vehicles are having a time getting around. Please try to do what you can to get atleast one truck to make a pass through.....Tom" (Cutwater Place)

"Monark Street was plowed, but they forgot to plow the entrance to Regis Circle."

"Eugene: Thanks for the email; We are digging out in Riverbend.....I personally said, "Dear Lord, if you ever want me to leave here, please provid help!" Two men appeared and are out shoveling me out! Lou."

"Thanks for the info. Our street is doing fine, all sidewalks and driveways open, we are only awaiting the snow plow to come down our street. Betsy."

"Supervisor Delgaudio: I am glad that you are safe and helping others. God Bless You! -- Jan"

"Supervisor Delgaudio: Our Sub Division, Seneca Ridge, has not had any type of equipment through it at all for snow removal while I understand from my son whole lives in the Sugarland sub division, he can see pavement on his street. ---Steve"

Loudoun Bus Transit's Mark McGregor says :

" We are digging out and running at least the fixed routes this morning. I do not anticipate the demand response routes to operate before tomorrow, or maybe even Thursday. The problem is the sidewalks and paths for passengers to access the bus. "

Charitable Plug

Link and Homeless Shelter Spokesman Mark Gunderman announced today: Celebrate Thanksgiving in March! LINK Gala Benefit at Lansdowne Resort proceeds to support LINK's 2003 Thanksgiving Program! Wow, after 30 years, LINK has a corporate sponsor.

On Sunday, March 23, the Riverside Wind Symphony will present a concert in the Grand Ballroom of the Lansdowne Resort to benefit LINK. The proceeds from this dinner event will be used to cover the costs for this years LINK Thanksgiving food basket program! Come join LINK on March 23 .Tickets are $25 per person (includes dinner and concert) and can be purchased by contacting the Riverside Presbyterian Church office at 703.444.3528.

Doctor Goodfriend, Loudoun Health Director Says:

"On Monday February 24, the Loudoun County Health Department will begin vaccinations of Health Department and Loudoun Hospital response teams as part of Phase I of President Bush's smallpox preparedness plan."

Former Supervisor Steve Whitener Up For Vote:

"This Monday, February 24th, Loudoun Republicans will elect a new Chairman to defend our Convention process, work with all Republicans to have our convention be an effective party/campaign building event, and support our candidates in their winning fall campaigns!

"After hearing from many of my friends on the County Committee, I have decided to be a candidate for Party Chairman at our February meeting." (I will vote for Steve).

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