"Shotgun Wedding, speak up now or forever hold your peace."
Soon, Monday at 2 p.m., there will be a forced wedding between the new Loudoun County Ordinances and the people of Loudoun County.
I wonder if the groom Citizen even knows of the impending marriage to the bride of Frankenstein Ordinances? (see below #2)
>>>1.) Local Smallpox Vaccine Effort Announced
Last month, President Bush announced his plan for phased smallpox vaccinations, beginning with the military and key public health and hospital response teams. This will be followed by voluntary vaccination of first responders.
Lastly, the vaccine may be made available to the general public sometime next year.
Some friends and neighbors may have brought this topic of smallpox vaccination with you. To help address these concerns, the Health Department has posted smallpox information on our Loudoun County website at http://www.loudoun.gov/general/smallpox.htm
On this website is a link to the CDC smallpox home page which has a tremendous amount of useful and up to date information on smallpox infection and vaccination targeted both to the general public and to healthcare professionals.
Additionally, Dr. David Goodfriend is available for questions from the public directly if they have any questions or concerns about smallpox or any other issue of public health importance.
Staff reported to me on Christmas Eve that Public Comment is scheduled for 9 a.m. at the January 6 board meeting. This is the "regular" time for public comment (9 a.m.), but the annual meeting for organizational matters is still planned for an historic time of 7:30 a.m. Monday, Jan. 6.
Parking will be hard to come by, so if you plan on going to register your comments, please allow extra time for parking.
The Piedmont Environment Council has put out an alert to support the Downzoning and Density Packing Ordinances being proposed on Monday. And Sterling Americans opposed to density packing and for balanced growth are coming on Monday. The Comment time is the last and only opportunity for the public to comment on these cruel and unusual regulations that make family subdivisions illegal.
I have asked for a separate public hearing. Numerous members of the business community and general public have asked for a separate public hearing. The Board of Supervisors has rejected this and has set a time for 2 p.m. on Monday to vote on the Density Packing Ordinances.
As I reported to you before Christmas, I successfully appealed the ruling by Chairman York and convinced the board to allow eight members of the public to address the board about 11:30 a.m. on Monday, December 16.
It is highly likely that when 2 p.m. rolls around on Monday that there may still be some members of the public still attempting to speak.
I am attempting to explain here, in advance, my position that this Board of Supervisors has set itself up time and again to prevent members of the public --- even people who are in support of its policies --- from speaking before it.
This board majority has voted 7 to 2 to limit the time.
This board majority has voted to push through heavy handed ordinances that destroy any sense of fairness and at the worst hand staff tremendous power to delay routine procedures. (Staff works hard, I am for that. But policy is my job and there is no way you hand staff a blank check.)
>>>4.) RUSTY NAIL COSTS $60,000?
One man told me that a rusty nail head cost him $60,000 just to make sure there were no more rusty nail heads on his property. The staff required him to conduct a study.
The board has voted to not have any public hearing on these ordinaces now that our work sessions are done.
It is normal and ordinary for members of the public to come forward and for the Board to "hear" their comments during an entire day or 2 night period, as necessary.
The "final" vote can not take place at 2 p.m. on Tuesday because public comment may not be finished. I might be one of two votes (along with Supervisor Hiatt) to allow the public to comment until there is no one left.
I will work to allow members of the public to speak on the ordinances. I hope I can be succesful.
>>>6.) STUNNING 74 % against Sup Pay Raise
As of todays Leesburg Today poll, here are the latest Results for "Should the pay be increased for the next board of supervisors?"
No 56.73% (59)
Do we have to pay them? 17.31% (18)
Yes, significantly 15.38% (16)
Maybe a little 10.58% (11)
http://www.leesburg2day.com/vote.cfm or look for Vox Populi -"Voice of the People" on the bottom of the home page http://www.leesburg2day.com/index.cfm