Spare 3 minutes Today or Tonight?
hanks for the e-mails, phone calls, feedback, letters to the editor and committements to speak today and tonight.
I have already seen some of the e-mails being posted with the Supervisors. Keep them coming. Please.
If you haven't yet, please email [email protected] on the proposed budget and tax rate.
Or call the comment line at 703-777-0115. I will be given a listing of people making calls (if you give your name and town) as will all the the other Supervisors.
There are still spots left this afternoon as of now from 4:45 to 6 p.m. And spots open after 8: 50 p.m. tonight. Call 703-777-0204 to sign up.
If all the spots are filled up today, there will be another public hearing on Monday. We will see if that happens. Many people simply show up and sign up but remember we have great weather too.
BY THE WAY, CONTRARY TO WHAT ADMINISTRATOR KIRBY BOWERS SAYS "only budget hearings and board work sessions count in the this process" (sic) or for the few Eugene-critics who think I am exagerating the tax increase:
The county board of supervisors will hold a public hearing on March 5, as required under Virginia law, to hear the official reaction to the "Notice of Proposed Real Property Tax Increase" , item 7 on the agenda. Under Virginia law, the county must tell you how much of an ASSESSMENT INCREASE there is (15% countywide this year), the lowered rate necessary to offset the increased assessment (94 cents, rather than $1.08) the effective tax increase (19.1 per cent) and the the proposed total budget increase (6.7 per cent greater than last year) in PAID NEWSPAPER ADVERTISMENTS.
So, these discussions must include newspapers. And the budget increases are directly related to Tax Increases. Exactly.