Congressman Frank Wolf In Sterling Today
First it was Attorney General John Ashcroft. Now U.S. Congressman Frank Wolf will be in Sterling at the Sterling Park Community Center at 120 Enterprise St. Sterling AT 1 P.M. on Saturday, March 23. The Community Center is next to the Fire House and has a small library.
Of course, I will be there as I always attend Congressman Wolf's town meetings. Please come and ask Frank Wolf to keep spending and taxes down. There are a lot of free spending Liberals in Northern Virginia and if you can, tell the Congressman to cut more. Thanks.
There have been regular meetings and there have been Budget Worksessions with the 9 member Loudoun Board of Supervisors the past few weeks. I worked last night until Midnight.
At 10 p.m. after losing dozens and dozens of votes, I motioned to cut $620,000 from the Loudoun County Capitol Improvement Budget to eliminate the "Franklin Park Nature Center".
I said four words slowly: Is this really necessary?
The Board of Supervisors voted 7 yes, to cut, and 2 no, against my cut.
So, thank you to the Board for cutting this. Thank you to those of you who wrote, called or went to the public hearing. That $620,000 cut by a majority of the board is YOUR cut. I had many other proposals for reductions in the rate of increase.
Most of my or Supervisor Drew Hiatt's proposals for reductions went down to defeat ( 2 yes, 7 no.)
The short story for now: I worked to reduce the tax rate from $1.08 to $1.05 per $100 of value in personal property. The board of supervisors voted to keep the tax rate at $1.05, a 3 penny reduction in the tax rate.
I voted for most any suggested reduction put foreward. I voted for proposals put foreward by Republican Drew Hiatt, Chairman Scott York and even liberals Jim Burton and Chuck Harris.
Some people noticed how there were quite a few close 5 to 4 votes to reduce costs by approximately $15,000,000.00 with your Sterling Supervisor always on the side of reducing the costs. There were shifting votes depending on the budget or agency on the block.
A reduction of the tax rate to ninety one cents would have kept your total tax bill the same and spending in check. This $1.05 tax rate is a reduction in the rate, but still a big tax increase.
I will give you another report soon, but right now, I will close.
The next meeting of the board of supervisors is April lst, 2002, Easter Monday. That is the day that the Board will "adopt" the Fiscal Year 2003 Appropriation Resolution, the Operating Budget, the Capitol Improvements Program, and the Tax Rate. There is public comment at 9 a.m. There is also a Public Hearing on Tuesday, April 2 with public comment at 6:30 p.m. if you want to tell the Board something after they set the rate.
Saturday, April 27 is the date for the "Sterling Area Planning Meeting". I will tell you all the location as soon as I know. This is the last in a series of planning meetings to decide Loudoun's long term plans for the community.
Loudoun County held the first in a series of community input meetings on implementation of the revised Comprehensive Plan. These meetings are designed to seek input on community needs from residents of the four Eastern Loudoun suburban planning areas, to help the Board in its Plan implementation efforts.
The Sterling meeting will feature small group discussions to allow residents of Sterling to work together in identify community priorities for the Board's consideration.
Please save the date and consider coming to a special event at Glory Days Grill Restaurant on Monday, May 13, 2002 at 7 P.M. I am asking for public support for my conservative policies and hope you can express your support for my policies at this event which is sponsored by the Friends of Eugene Delgaudio.